Defect #15985
Email address with non-ASCII character causes delivery error
Added by Marc D. about 11 years ago.
Updated about 1 year ago.
Email notifications
I know that e-mailadresses with "ß" are invalid in general, but you can enter them in redmine. That causes that any notification to a ticket which are related to the person with the "ß" mail couldnt be send.
The "to:" mailadress in the maillog is something like "to=<=?UTF-8?B?bWFyY2VsLnBsYcOfQGJ1cmctZ21iaC5kZQ==?=>" for everyone who is related.
-> No one will be notified.
- Subject changed from E-Mail with ß causes error to Email address with non-ASCII character causes delivery error
Non-ASCII characters cannot be used in an email address.
This issue can be fixed by the following patch.
Index: app/models/email_address.rb
--- app/models/email_address.rb (revision 16179)
+++ app/models/email_address.rb (working copy)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
after_destroy :destroy_tokens, :deliver_security_notification_destroy
validates_presence_of :address
- validates_format_of :address, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, :allow_blank => true
+ validates_format_of :address, :with => /\A([[:ascii:]&&[^@\s]]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, :allow_blank => true
validates_length_of :address, :maximum => User::MAIL_LENGTH_LIMIT, :allow_nil => true
validates_uniqueness_of :address, :case_sensitive => false,
:if => {|email| email.address_changed? && email.address.present?}
- Target version set to 3.3.3
- Target version deleted (
Go MAEDA wrote:
Non-ASCII characters cannot be used in an email address.
Yes, they can. More and more clients and server support that.
We cannot simply disallow them in Redmine.
- Related to Defect #28878: Email does not support Russian-language domains. added
- Related to Feature #29208: Support email addresses with IDN (internationalized domain names) in user accounts added
Redmine now supports internationalized domain names as of r22667.
Suppose you mistakenly enter user@straße.example
instead of user@strasse.example
as your email address. In that case, Redmine converts the email address to its ASCII representation user@xn--strae-oqa.example
after clicking the "Save" button and displays the converted one on the screen. Therefore you will immediately notice there is some "problem" with the email address you entered.
1. Entering email address contains a non-ASCII character

2. The ASCII representation of the email address is displayed after saving

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