Defect #16036
openwiki edit pencil links are sometimes missing, throwing off the other pencil edit links
This is similar to #11789 -- some sections have their pencil icon missing, but the count continues regardless. On a large page this sometimes happens many times which means that by the time you're halfway through the doc the pencils are basically useless. In fact the pencils have become mostly useless on our wiki due to this issue.
I observe it with h6, possibly with some others. Not sure of the exact pattern to it, but I am able to reliably reproduce it @ as well as on our own installation which uses the following (not that it's too relevant since it's easily reproducible on the redmine demo wiki which I assume is up to date)
Environment: Redmine version 2.4.1.stable Ruby version 2.0.0-p353 (2013-11-22) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.15 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2
Here's a copy of the repro text on the wiki link above in case it gets removed or something
h1. Wiki hi h2. h2 hi h5. CI Nickname: * Monitored * Notification * Notification G * Checks h6. Check * CI * Interval * Submit * Instance * Check This means: every longer existing. If the be sent. h3. h3 hi h4. h4 hi
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