Feature #16818
openAllow multiple relationships between two issues
This happens in the current version of redmine from git (svn r13129), with mysql 14.14.
Steps to reproduce:- Create an issue
- Create a copy of that issue
- Attempt to create a relation between the issues (e.g. set the copy to FOLLOW the original)
An error will occur:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique (Mysql2::Error: Duplicate entry '31-40' for key 'index_issue_relations_on_issue_from_id_and_issue_to_id': INSERT INTO `issue_relations` (`delay`, `issue_from_id`, `issue_to_id`, `relation_type`) VALUES (0, 31, 40, 'precedes')):
app/controllers/issue_relations_controller.rb:48:in `create'
This index effectively prevents you from creating two relations between the same pair of issues. Shouldn't this combination of relationships be ok?
Related issues
Updated by @ go2null over 10 years ago
What you have observed is the current intended behaviour - only one relationship allowed per between any two issues.
This Defect should be closed, or at least turned into a Feature request to allow multiple relationships between two issues.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago
@ go2null wrote:
[...] or at least turned into a Feature request to allow multiple relationships between two issues.
Such already exists as #8628 which has some patches too. Initial request is for 'related to' relation but the patches includes a fix for 'copied to/from' relations also.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 10 years ago
- Related to Defect #8628: "Related to" reference may yield circular dependency error message added
Updated by Marius BÄ‚LTEANU about 6 years ago
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
- Subject changed from 'copied_to' shouldn't conflict with other relation types to Allow multiple relationships between two issues
- Category changed from Database to Issues