Feature #1707
openSending e-mail to roles involved on status changed.
Tipically we have different teams involved on a project, related by strict redmine workflow.
When an issue status changes, we have to notify to a team, not a person, that this issue is available for their work.
I explain better. When an issue is open, we have a developement team that has to be involved. When someone of developement resolve it, T&Q team, the only role that can manage this status, has to test it, but developement don't know who will test it.
We are asking a feature that follows the workflow and send to people belonging to the role that can manage new status a mail, so they can start their job.
Thanks a lot,
Related issues
Updated by Dipan Mehta about 12 years ago
This is possible to do using plugins. In fact there are two plugins that does this exactly:
Hope this helps.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #6234: Send email to particular users when status changes added
Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #22960: Add "EXTRA NOTIFICATION DESTINY" in Issues Statuses added