



Defect #18018


Project Sorting by Name broken (for large project lists) in v2.x

Added by @ go2null almost 10 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Wont fix
Affected version:


Apparently, this is due to the removal, in v2.5, of the patched awesome_nested_set plugin from the Redmine lib/plugins directory.

The patched awesome_nested_set is still available in trunk.

Note that this either only affects large project lists (my Redmine has several hundreds) or old Redmine instances that were upgraded from pre-V2.5 and the Project.rebuild_tree"! method fix was not applied.

Workaround (#6836#note-12) per Ken Zalewski still works.

 set_left_and_rights = lambda do |node|
   # set left
   node[left_column_name] = indices[] += 1
   # find
-  where(["#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} = ? #{}", node]).order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, id").each{|n| }
+  where(["#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} = ? #{}", node]).order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, name").each{|n| }
   # set right
   node[right_column_name] = indices[] += 1!(:validate => validate_nodes)

 # Find root node(s)
-  root_nodes = where("#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} IS NULL").order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, id").each do |root_node|
+  root_nodes = where("#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} IS NULL").order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, name").each do |root_node|
   # setup index for this scope
   indices[] ||= 0

Related issues are:
  • Feature #6836 Sort project list by Name instead of identifier
  • Defect #12431 Project.rebuild! sorts root projects by id instead of name
  • Defect #11508 Projects not ordered alphabetically after renaming project
Actions #1

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

Forgot to add, after the patch to awesome_nested_set, you need to run the following in the Rails Root directory.

bundle exec ruby script/rails runner -e production 'Project.update_all(:lft=>nil,:rgt=>nil); Project.rebuild!'

Note that you do not need to run Project.rebuild_tree!, just awesome_nested_set's Project.rebuild!.

Actions #3

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

Forgot to add, after the patch to awesome_nested_set, you need to run the following in the Rails Root directory.

Note that you do not need to run Project.rebuild_tree!, just awesome_nested_set's Project.rebuild!.

You need to run Project.rebuild_tree!.
See source and comment.

Actions #4

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Actions #5

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

Workaround (#6836#note-12) per Ken Zalewski still works.

It is not work because Redmine build tree after_save .

Actions #6

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

Apparently, this is due to the removal, in v2.5, of the patched awesome_nested_set plugin from the Redmine lib/plugins directory.

The patched awesome_nested_set is still available in trunk.

It is because awesome_nested_set after 2.1.6 refactoring is broken.

Actions #7

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

I tried both rebuild! and rebuild_tree!, but without the patched rebuild! in awesome_nested_set it did not work.

The issue is not with rebuild_tree!. In fact, based on some debug puts that I added, the issue is actually that the move_to_left_of(to_be_inserted_before) in set_or_update_position_under does not properly update the lft and rgt. (The incorrect sort is consistent and reproducible every time.)

(I'm mobile so can't attach debug log nor be as descriptive as I'd like.)

Actions #8

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

A naive question : is nested set functionality needed for Projects?

Actions #9

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

I tried both rebuild! and rebuild_tree!, but without the patched rebuild! in awesome_nested_set it did not work.

What is patched?
awesome_nested_set 2.1-stable on Redmine trunk is refactored heavily.

Unit tests cover these cases.

Actions #10

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

@ go2null wrote:

I tried both rebuild! and rebuild_tree!, but without the patched rebuild! in awesome_nested_set it did not work.

What is patched?
awesome_nested_set 2.1-stable on Redmine trunk is refactored heavily.

I was referring to my manual patching of .id to .name in a pristine awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

I was referring to my manual patching of .id to .name in a pristine awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.

Did you copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 to plugin/ directory?

Actions #12

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

OK, found why the problem happens.

Say I have a project with 4 subprojects ([id] name):
=> [790] Project 1, [792] Project 2, [789] Project 3, [791] Project 4

Here is the execution flow.
  • rebuild_tree!
  • rebuild!(false)
    • sorts by id.
    • => [789] Project 3, [790] Project 1, [791] Project 4, [792] Project 2
  • all.each { |p| p.set_or_update_position_under(p.parent) }
    • processes each project by id order.
    • => [789] Project 3
  • set_or_update_position_under
  • to_be_inserted_before = sibs.sort_by {|c|}.detect {|c| > }
    • gets project that should be on the right, sorted alphabetically by name.
    • => [791] Project 4
  • if to_be_inserted_before @move_to_left_of(to_be_inserted_before)
    • moves to left of project found above
    • => [790] Project 1, [789] Project 3, [791] Project 4, [792] Project 2

Repeating this for each project yields:
=> [789] Project 3, [790] Project 1, [791] Project 4, [792] Project 2 # sorted by id
=> [790] Project 1, [789] Project 3, [791] Project 4, [792] Project 2 # [789] P3 < P4
=> [789] Project 3, [791] Project 4, [790] Project 1, [792] Project 2 # [790] P1 < P2
=> [789] Project 3, [790] Project 1, [792] Project 2, [791] Project 4 # [791] P4 < end
=> [792] Project 2, [789] Project 3, [790] Project 1, [791] Project 4 # [792] P2 < P3

Actions #13

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

@ go2null wrote:

I was referring to my manual patching of .id to .name in a pristine awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.

Did you copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 to plugin/ directory?

No, I just edited the one in /usr/lib/... as I was trying different things.

Actions #14

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

So, based on #18018#note-12 above, it seems that two possible solutions are to
  1. include back the vanilla awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 and
    1. patch the id to name, and
    2. no need for the all.each { |p| p.set_or_update_position_under(p.parent) } in rebuild_tree!. (At least for this use case), or
  2. patch set_or_update_position_under to recursively process each to_be_inserted_before. (to_be_inserted_before becomes an array?)

Disclaimer: my ruby skills are virtually non-existent :-)

Actions #16

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago

@ go2null wrote:

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

@ go2null wrote:

I was referring to my manual patching of .id to .name in a pristine awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.

Did you copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 to plugin/ directory?

No, I just edited the one in /usr/lib/... as I was trying different things.

Did you modify gem *.rb files?
It causes unexpected result.
If you want to modify awesome_nested_set 2.1.6,
you should copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 as r12687 and r12688,
then remove awesome_nested_set from Gemfile.

Actions #17

Updated by @ go2null almost 10 years ago

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

@ go2null wrote:

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

@ go2null wrote:

I was referring to my manual patching of .id to .name in a pristine awesome_nested_set-2.1.6.

Did you copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 to plugin/ directory?

No, I just edited the one in /usr/lib/... as I was trying different things.

Did you modify gem *.rb files?
It causes unexpected result.
If you want to modify awesome_nested_set 2.1.6,
you should copy awesome_nested_set 2.1.6 as r12687 and r12688,
then remove awesome_nested_set from Gemfile.

Ok, will do so next week.

Actions #18

Updated by Daniel Freudenberger over 9 years ago

Do you have any update on this? Ordering projects by name is definitely broken in redmine 2.5.3 and I guess it's still broken in redmine 2.6.* since no fix is mentioned in the changelogs.

Furthermore I can confirm that applying the patch / workaround mentioned in the ticket and running Project.rebuild_tree! fixes the issue

Actions #19

Updated by Evgeniy Kostenko over 9 years ago

Daniel Freudenberger wrote:

Do you have any update on this? Ordering projects by name is definitely broken in redmine 2.5.3 and I guess it's still broken in redmine 2.6.* since no fix is mentioned in the changelogs.

Yes, it's broken in 2.6.x. Currently i'm using 2.6.1.stable (without any modifications in sources) and after running Project.rebuild_tree! i got a total mess with sorting (even worst than before).

Actions #20

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Related to Defect #19060: Project Sorting by Name is broken in v2.6.x added
Actions #21

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from Project Sorting by Name broken (for large project lists) in v2.5 stream to Project Sorting by Name broken (for large project lists) in v2.x stream
  • Affected version deleted (2.5.0)
Actions #22

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Defect #19060: Project Sorting by Name is broken in v2.6.x)
Actions #23

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

Redmine 2.x sorts projects at source:tags/2.6.1/app/models/project.rb#L1045 ,
due to awesome_nested_set bugs.
This logic is removed in Redmine 3.

Actions #24

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from Project Sorting by Name broken (for large project lists) in v2.x stream to Project Sorting by Name broken (for large project lists) in v2.x
Actions #25

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Affected version set to 2.6.1
Actions #26

Updated by Kevin Wojniak over 9 years ago

I too am seeing this issue.

Actions #27

Updated by Hugues C. about 9 years ago

We are also seeing this issue, following a migration from 2.6.0 to 3.0.1.

Actions #28

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to Wont fix

Hugues Clouâtre wrote:

We are also seeing this issue, following a migration from 2.6.0 to 3.0.1.

Migration from Redmine 2.6 to 3.0 does not touch :lft and :rgt of project table.
If your project tree of Redmine 3.0 is broken, it was broken in Redmine 2.6.

You can rebuild tree with this command in Redmine 3.0.

$ bundle exec ruby bin/rails runner -e production 'Project.rebuild_tree!'

Redmine 3.0 does not use awesome_nested_set, so I close this issue.
If you have problem in Redmine 3.0, please create new issue.

Actions #29

Updated by Hugues C. about 9 years ago

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

If your project tree of Redmine 3.0 is broken, it was broken in Redmine 2.6.

Ok, thank you for the quick answer. We'll try this fix. We did not have any issues in 2.6.0. Since migrating to 3.0.1 last week, all new projects created appear at the bottom, but the ones created before the migration are correctly sorted by name. Anyway, if the Project.rebuild_tree! command doesn't do it, we'll open a new issue.


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