



Feature #18858


Custom Fields - Sort/Order

Added by James H about 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Custom fields
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The order of custom fields determines the order/placement of those input fields on the user interface.

Currently, you can change the order of custom fields by clicking on the arrow buttons for up, down, top, bottom.

This is not very use-able once you reach >40 custom fields, particualrly if you need to place some new custom field somewhere around the middle.

I propose that some sort of "insert" feature of some kind be implemented.

It can take many different forms, such as:
Giving a custom field a sort number (and increment the sort number for all custom fields that come afterwards), allowing an option to enter how many slots to move, drag & drop interface, etc.

Having Both options for inputting a sort index number AND having the ability to drag and drop would be ideal and most flexible. Maybe even have the ability to mass edit/set the order for multiple custom fields at a time?

Any method that doesn't force the user to change the sort order of custom fields a single slot at a time, one custom field at a time, would alleviate the problem.


drag-and-drop.gif (136 KB) drag-and-drop.gif drag and drop demo animation Go MAEDA, 2016-03-14 04:31

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #12909: Drag'n'drop order configuration for statuses, trackers, roles...ClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Actions #1

Updated by David Miles about 10 years ago

James H wrote:

The order of custom fields determines the order/placement of those input fields on the user interface.

Currently, you can change the order of custom fields by clicking on the arrow buttons for up, down, top, bottom.

This is not very use-able once you reach >40 custom fields, particualrly if you need to place some new custom field somewhere around the middle.

I propose that some sort of "insert" feature of some kind be implemented.

It can take many different forms, such as:
Giving a custom field a sort number (and increment the sort number for all custom fields that come afterwards), allowing an option to enter how many slots to move, drag & drop interface, etc.

Having Both options for inputting a sort index number AND having the ability to drag and drop would be ideal and most flexible. Maybe even have the ability to mass edit/set the order for multiple custom fields at a time?

Any method that doesn't force the user to change the sort order of custom fields a single slot at a time, one custom field at a time, would alleviate the problem.


It will be good to add drag&drop for custom fields order`s page.

Actions #2

Updated by Luis Blasco about 9 years ago

Specially when you have many custom fields and you create a new field that you want to place in the middle of the list.

Actions #3

Updated by Ryan Maloney about 9 years ago

+1 for drag and drop. Being able to group by a "type" or "category" would be useful too.

Actions #4

Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago

The patch attached on #12909#note-4 have implemented drag and drop feature. Please take a look at the patch.
You can see a demo animation by opening drag-and-drop.gif

Actions #5

Updated by Go MAEDA about 9 years ago

  • Related to Feature #12909: Drag'n'drop order configuration for statuses, trackers, roles... added
Actions #6

Updated by James H about 9 years ago

yay, thank you

Actions #7

Updated by Daniel N about 9 years ago

Awesome! Looking forward for 3.3.0.

Actions #8

Updated by Marius BÄ‚LTEANU over 8 years ago

I think that the request from this issue was been implemented by the related issue (#12909) and it can be closed.

Actions #9

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

I think that the request from this issue was been implemented by the related issue (#12909) and it can be closed.

I agree and I think that the OP will too, so I'll close it as such. Additional requests can, when necessary, be handled through separate issues. Thanks for your note.


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