Feature #22005
openRake task for converting from Textile to Markdown
It would be neat to have a RedmineRake to convert a redmine installation from Textile to Markdown. Here is a starter which use Pandoc and works well but only for the wiki module: convert_textile_to_markdown.rake.
It is taken from this post and only slightly modified to work with newer versions of Pandoc. We think it would be a great feature if such a converter existed for all modules : issue tracking, wiki, document, boards, etc.
Apologies if such a tool already exist, but we weren't able to find it.
Related issues
Updated by Viktor Berke almost 9 years ago
Yes, this really is a must have. Once this rake task is implemented, there should be even a button for managers or anyone with the proper permissions to convert any given page to MD (from Textile) because ATM I have to:
- open a wiki page
- click edit
- ctrl+a, ctrl+c
- open a text file on my comp
- ctrl+v, ctrl+s
- run my converter batch file which calls pandoc
- open the output of my batch file
- ctrl+a, ctrl+c
- go back to wiki page
- ctrl+a, delete, ctrl+v
- save
And I have to do this for EVERY SINGLE WIKI PAGE. Such a pain in the arse.
BUT first they should fix Markdown rendering. See: Markdown newline rendering broken
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Defect #22323: Markdown newline rendering broken added
Updated by Jean-Claude Wippler over 8 years ago
FWIW, I went through this a while back - wrote a small custom script to scan through all wiki and forum posts in the MySQL database for each project. Automating this is not very hard, and solved the issue for a dozen projects and thousands of entries for me. Having this implemented in Ruby as Rake task would indeed be useful.
It was written in Tcl at the time, but here's the code if it's of any use:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh set pw {blahblahblah} package require mysqltcl set db [mysql::connect -user xured -password $pw -db redmine] mysql::encoding $db utf-8 mysql::exec $db "set names 'utf8'" proc convert {table rowid field} { global db puts $table: foreach row [mysql::sel $db "select $rowid,$field from $table" -list] { lassign $row id old set fd [open tmp.txt w] fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 puts -nonewline $fd $old close $fd exec pandoc -f textile -t markdown_github -o tmp2.txt tmp.txt set fd [open tmp2.txt r] fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 set new [read $fd] close $fd puts " id $id text [string length $old] => [string length $new]" set quoted [mysql::escape $db $new] #puts 1<[string range $old 0 150]> #puts 2<[string range $new 0 150]> #puts 3<[string range $quoted 0 150]> mysql::exec $db "update $table set $field = '$quoted' where $rowid = $id" } } convert wiki_contents id text convert comments id comments convert issues id description convert messages id content convert news id description
PS. I don't think this issue is related to #22323, btw.
Updated by kay rus over 8 years ago
There is a bug in pandoc which doesn't recognize raw Textile URLs. Pandoc escapes chars in these URLs. Here is a quick fix: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/pull/2970
You can use modified tcl script:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh set pw {blahblahblah} package require mysqltcl set db [mysql::connect -user xured -password $pw -db redmine] mysql::encoding $db utf-8 mysql::exec $db "set names 'utf8'" proc convert {table rowid field} { global db puts $table: foreach row [mysql::sel $db "SELECT $rowid,$field FROM $table WHERE $field IS NOT NULL AND $field != ''" -list] { lassign $row id old set fd [open /tmp/tmp.txt w] fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 puts -nonewline $fd $old close $fd exec docker exec -ti pandoc pandoc -f textile -t markdown_github -o /tmp/tmp2.txt /tmp/tmp.txt set fd [open /tmp/tmp2.txt r] fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8 set new [read $fd] close $fd puts " id $id text [string length $old] => [string length $new]" set quoted [mysql::escape $db $new] #puts 1<[string range $old 0 150]> #puts 2<[string range $new 0 150]> #puts 3<[string range $quoted 0 150]> mysql::exec $db "update $table set $field = '$quoted' where $rowid = $id" } } convert wiki_contents id text convert comments id comments convert issues id description convert messages id content convert news id description convert journals id notes
With running docker container which has updated pandoc version:
docker run -d --name pandoc -v /tmp:/tmp kayrus/pandoc bash -c 'while true; do sleep 1; done'
Updated by Adrien Crivelli over 8 years ago
I built upon what you suggested here and came up with a solution that I think is much more complete. First of all it migrates all content (comment, wiki, issue, message, news, document, project and journal), and then it fixes several incompatibility between Redmine's Textile and pandoc's. Please have a look over there: https://github.com/Ecodev/redmine_convert_textile_to_markown
Also feel free to re-use the code for Redmine core or anything else.
Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 8 years ago
That's really a coincidence. I was working at the same time on the same thing. However I decided against using pandoc since it was creating undesired artefacts (I guess Adrien fixed this) and markdown which caused redmine 3.3.0 to crash.
I've chosen a direct approach which avoids using pandoc: https://github.com/akohlbecker/textile_to_markdown.rake
Fell free to also use this code for redmine core or to base redmine code on it.
Updated by Adrien Crivelli over 8 years ago
That interesting... would you have an example of textile or markdown that lead to Redmine crash ? also do you know which version of pandoc you tried ?
Before starting working on this, I was sure that pandoc was the way to go, because it's a real parser, not "only" regexp. But as I worked with it I came to realize that pandoc has a few shortcomings, and that Redmine custom syntax does not help. OTOH by using regexp you are likely to miss edge cases. For instance I have some pre
tags that are not at the beginning of the line, but preceded by words (I know, weird), I think your solution would miss this case as it is now. I am bit torn to know which is the best approach...
Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 8 years ago
I stripped it down to the text snipped which is actually crashing the markdown formatter:
[areas.php" and "points.php]()
It is most probably the missing URI which processed in a not nil save manner.
For details please refer to #23395.
I am bit torn to know which is the best approach...
Honestly, I am feeling the same. Both of the methods have their pros and cons. At least for my specific task I found the solution which hurt less.
Updated by Andreas Kohlbecker over 8 years ago
Andreas Kohlbecker wrote:
I stripped it down to the text snipped which is actually crashing the markdown formatter:
The source textile snippet from which this invalid link has been created is:
* *rest_gen.php* (version 1 developped from May 2011): Merging "areas.php" and "points.php": color theme both for areas (polygons) and distribution points. Output in JSON format is also available.
Updated by Adrien Crivelli over 8 years ago
Latest version of pandoc does not output empty links the same way anymore, see for yourself :
Merging “areas.php” and [points.php] color theme [points.php]:
So I guess it will not crash anymore, but I wouldn't call it a correct output either... So I created an issue for that empty link bug. I'd argue that it might be the best advantage to using pandoc, to improve the product for everybody else too. So far @jgm has been very responsive to all issues I opened. Hopefully, in a not so distant future, we'll be able to entirely rely on pandoc.