



Feature #2448


Graphviz of ticket dependencies (with example)

Added by Matthew W almost 16 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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I found the output of this (admittedly very hacky, but conceptually quite simple) script a lot more useful than the gannt chart.

Would it be possible to build a feature like this into redmine, generating a graphviz of dependencies between open tickets on any given project or version?


echo "digraph redmine {";

mysql -N -s -uredmine --password= -Dredmine -e "select id,subject from issues where status_id != 5 and fixed_version_id = 1" | ruby -e 'puts {|x| x.split(/\t/)}.map {|id,title| "#{id} [label=\"#{id}: #{title.chomp.gsub(/((?:[^ ]+ ){4})/, "\\1\\n")}\"]"}';

mysql -N -s -uredmine --password= -Dredmine -e "select issue_from_id, issue_to_id from issue_relations ir join issues i1 on ir.issue_from_id = join issues i2 on ir.issue_to_id = where relation_type = 'precedes' and i1.status_id != 5 and i2.status_id != 5 and i1.fixed_version_id and i2.fixed_version_id = 1" | ruby -e 'puts {|x| x.split(/\t/)}.map {|id1,id2| "#{id1} -> #{id2}"}';

echo "}" 
) | dot -Tpng > /var/www/space/redmine_graph.png


redmine_graph.png (68 KB) redmine_graph.png Jean-Baptiste Barth, 2009-04-06 13:46

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #279: issue dependenciesClosedJean-Philippe Lang

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Actions #1

Updated by Frederic Morin over 15 years ago

can you provide (attach) a sample graph produced by your query ?

Actions #2

Updated by Matthew W over 15 years ago

Frederic Morin wrote:

can you provide (attach) a sample graph produced by your query ?

I can email you one if you want? It's essentially just a directed graph with nodes for open tickets (with ID and title) and edges for 'precedes' dependencies. Kind of a critical path diagram, although adding estimates to it would help with that.

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

Matthew W wrote:

I can email you one if you want?

I think you should attach a sample here, more than one person would be interested in seeing that..

Actions #4

Updated by Matthew W over 15 years ago

I think you should attach a sample here, more than one person would be interested in seeing that..

Unfortunately it's a private project, not like super top secret or anything but at the same time not sure we want our dev stuff up here in all eternity. So probably best if you email me for it, sorry to be a pain.

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

OK, no problem. Thanks for having emailed it !

I tried to ruby-ise your code so it uses ActiveRecord and Redmine objects, it will be easier to adapt for other people (maybe it's not totally equivalent, I didn't keep the "fixed_version_id = 1") :


echo "digraph redmine {";

ruby script/runner 'Issue.find(:all).select{|i| !i.closed? }.map{|i| puts "#{} [label=\"#{}: #{i.subject.chomp.gsub(/((?:[^ ]+ ){4})/, "\\1\\n")}\"]"}';

ruby script/runner 'IssueRelation.find(:all, :include => [:issue_from, :issue_to]).select{|ir| ir.relation_type == "precedes" && !ir.issue_from.closed? && !ir.issue_to.closed? }.map{|ir| puts "#{ir.issue_from_id} -> #{ir.issue_to_id}"}';

echo "}" 
) | dot -Tpng > /var/www/redmine_graph.png

It works well, I attach a sample result. I obtained it by replacing the first ruby line by :

ruby script/runner 'Issue.find(:all).select{|i| !i.closed? }.map{|i| puts "#{} [label=\"#{}: My issue #{}\"]"}';

Maybe your sample with this line would be better ? If so, delete mine and put your own..

Anyway, it may be difficult to integrate such a feature in core, since it's based upon an external program (graphviz)... but I may be wrong!

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

Here is a complete ruby/rake solution :

namespace :redmine do
  task :graphviz => :environment do
    f ='graphviz')
    f.puts "digraph redmine {" 
    Issue.find(:all).select do |i|
      !i.closed? do |i|
      f.puts "#{} [label=\"#{}: #{i.subject.chomp.gsub(/((?:[^ ]+ ){4})/, "\\1\\n")}\"]" 
    IssueRelation.find(:all, :include => [:issue_from, :issue_to]).select do |ir|
      ir.relation_type == "precedes" && !ir.issue_from.closed? && !ir.issue_to.closed? do |ir|
      f.puts "#{ir.issue_from_id} -> #{ir.issue_to_id}" 
    f.puts "}" 
    IO.popen("dot -Tpng -o /var/www/redmine_graph.png #{f.path}")
You can register it in "lib/tasks/graphviz.rake" and call it with "rake redmine:graphviz".
Any opinion about that ?

Actions #7

Updated by Matthew W over 15 years ago

Jean-Baptiste Barth wrote:

Here is a complete ruby/rake solution :
[...]You can register it in "lib/tasks/graphviz.rake" and call it with "rake redmine:graphviz".
Any opinion about that ?

Nice, yeah that looks a lot cleaner than my shell script.

A couple of gotchas in that script are: it's doing some really crude word-wrapping on issue titles:

.gsub(/((?:[^ ]+ ){4})/, "\\1\\n")

because I couldn't figure out how to make graphviz do this - but maybe there's a better way. Also the label needs escaping for graphviz incase it contains a closing quote.

Imagine you might wanna customize where it puts the .png output too.

Cheers for tidying this up though, glad it's of use!

Actions #8

Updated by Matthew W over 15 years ago

Re dependencies, I don't think it'd hurt to have a rake task in there with a runtime dependency on graphviz - it could warn people when run if graphviz isn't installed, but wouldn't affect the smooth running of anything else.

Actions #9

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 15 years ago

Here is a quick conversion to a controller that can be used inside a plugin:

class GraphvizController < ApplicationController

  def graph
    f = "" 
    f << "digraph redmine {\n" 
    Issue.find(:all).select do |i|
      !i.closed? do |i|
      f << "#{} [label=\"#{}: #{i.subject.chomp.gsub(/((?:[^ ]+ ){4})/, "\\1\\n")}\"]\n" 
    IssueRelation.find(:all, :include => [:issue_from, :issue_to]).select do |ir|
      ir.relation_type == "precedes" && !ir.issue_from.closed? && !ir.issue_to.closed? do |ir|
      f << "#{ir.issue_from_id} -> #{ir.issue_to_id}\n" 
    f << "}\n" 

    png = nil
    IO.popen("dot -Tpng", "r+") do |io|
      io.write f
      png =
    send_data png, :type => 'image/png', :filename => 'graph.png', :disposition => 'inline'

No file is written on disk.
I just converted the script but some optimizations can be done when retrieving issues...

Actions #10

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 15 years ago

Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:

Here is a quick conversion to a controller that can be used inside a plugin:


No file is written on disk.
I just converted the script but some optimizations can be done when retrieving issues...

Thanks ! Actually I was wondering how to do that without a Tempfile, it's a perfect example...
And indeed, I didn't try to optimize it, it was just to show how it could be integrated to a rake task or something else in the app.

Actions #11

Updated by Norbert Melzer about 14 years ago

Is there already a plugin the code from Jean-Philippe Lang?
I use redmine to keep track over non ruby (on rails) projects, so I really dont know how to really do anything ruby related.

Really cool would be if I could set different filters, and if closed issues that are blocking ore preceeding other issues would be shown also, perfectly in another color. Different arrow-types for blocking, duplicate, preceeding would be awesome too :D

Actions #12

Updated by Hauke Heibel almost 14 years ago

Since we cannot vote on features (at least not that I am aware of), I am writing this post to state that I would love to see the Graphiviz feature too!

Actions #13

Updated by Sascha Herrmann over 13 years ago


Actions #14

Updated by Terence Mill over 12 years ago

You could use redmine-wiki-external-filter-plugin to integrate this external program call when writing a <macro>show_issue_graph</macro> on a wiki seite where this png file will be embedded instead.

Actions #15

Updated by Matt Palmer almost 12 years ago

I've just created a plugin based on the controller code Jean-Philippe posted in #9. It's available on Github at At the moment it only does a graph of issues in a particular version, but I might go nuts one day and write a full "show me all issues related to this one" tree graph.

Actions #17

Updated by Santiago Pérez about 10 years ago

Matt Palmer wrote:

I've just created a plugin based on the controller code Jean-Philippe posted in #9. It's available on Github at At the moment it only does a graph of issues in a particular version, but I might go nuts one day and write a full "show me all issues related to this one" tree graph.

Hi Matt,

I tried to install your plugin with the actual redmine (2.5.2) with no success (I have no error on terminal when installing, but nothing appears on the plugin administrator tab on redmine). Have you tried to install it in new redmine versions?

Your plugin is the only one I have found that graph the dependencies between the issues, really valuable. Is there another one now around?.

Thanks in advance,


Actions #18

Updated by Laurent Dairaine almost 10 years ago


Actions #19

Updated by Dawid Grzegorczyk over 9 years ago

I successfully migrated this plugin to Redmine 2.3.1. My pull request is available here:
Best of whishes,
Zły Kapitan

Actions #20

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago

Actions #21

Updated by Kamran Soomro almost 8 years ago

Hi Matt,

I was wondering if your plugin has been updated for the latest version of Redmine. If so, could you please send it to me?

Matt Palmer wrote:

I've just created a plugin based on the controller code Jean-Philippe posted in #9. It's available on Github at At the moment it only does a graph of issues in a particular version, but I might go nuts one day and write a full "show me all issues related to this one" tree graph.


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