



Feature #559


Workflow Enhancements

Added by Geordee Naliyath about 17 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Issues workflow
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Here are some suggestions to enhance workflow:
1. Ability to hide unused statuses in workflow definition
At applications level we create many statuses and use only the appropriate ones for creating different workflows. This
creates large number of options when we are at workflow definition screen and it's very difficult to work with or understand
the workflows. We can do either of the following two options to make workflow definitions easier.
a. Use AJAX to hide unused statuses
b. Create ability to add/remove statuses for a particular workflow from the global set

2. Workflow visualization
Once the workflow is defined, if it can be represented in a decision tree either pictorially or using some formatted
table it could be easier to manage. I was thinking of converting organizational processes into Redmine workflow, and
a pictorial representation will appear as the process definition. Conditions for status changes may be missing in this
workflow - that would make it too complicated as well - and that is OK.


wf_visu.JPG (15.7 KB) wf_visu.JPG Florian ROBERT, 2010-10-19 14:17
ro559-add_workflow_graphviz_graph-r4574.patch (1.1 KB) ro559-add_workflow_graphviz_graph-r4574.patch Patch against current Redmine Trunk (1.0.5.devel.r4574). Mischa The Evil, 2010-12-29 07:01
workflows.jpg (64.1 KB) workflows.jpg Mikołaj Milej, 2012-12-21 01:03

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #12878: Visualize a tracker's workflow graphicallyClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #2448: Graphviz of ticket dependencies (with example)New2009-01-06

Related to Redmine - Feature #12647: issue relations network viewNew

Actions #1

Updated by Nikolay Kotlyarov over 15 years ago

I think my problem is the same as point 1 above, but supposed solution differs..

The are two problems in our company:(Redmine 8.0)
  1. Project "SomePrj" needs personal workflow "SomePrjWorkflow". Project "AnotherPrj" also needs personal workflow "AnothePrjWorkflow" that resembles "SomePrjWorkflow" but not the same. Project "ThirdPrj" needs a workflow that is completely different from "Some" and "Another". And all of them want to use same statuses for tickets.
    But there is only one workflow in Redmine and it affects all projects:(
  2. In project "SomePrj" most of the issues must subordinate "SomePrjWorkflow". They flowing from one person to another and have a number of transitions before it is closed. But there are issues that can be closed in one or two transitions in a vary short period. If those issues would subordinate standard workflow their lifetime would be much greater, for example: issue would wait some person(who is on a vacation) with corresponding role just for " click me forward till SomeStatus ".
    Most of the project issues must subordinate "SomePrjWorkflow". But there are "extra" cases when the issue must subordinate its custom workflow. And those cases are not rare in practice.
  1. For custom project "SomePrj" workflow we can create its own special statuses with an unique prefix/postfix: "[SomePrj]New", "[SomePrj]Assigned", "[SomePrj]Closed", etc.
  2. I dunno any:( Because of singular workflow people just do not create such "mini"-issues and try to resolve them by email. That method frequently becomes even more time consuming..
So the requested features are:
  • Per project workflow
  • Per issue worklow
  • Point 2 from Geordee: +1. Some visualization would be great, cause currently it's very easy to get tangled when the statuses number increases.

P.S. Sorry for my English, i know it's bad..

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Ivanov over 15 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Emil Abdulnasyrov over 15 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Alex Last over 14 years ago

I'd say +100. this is a killer feature, which would bring Redmine much closer to systems like Atlassian Jira.

Actions #5

Updated by Florian ROBERT over 14 years ago


I'm sharing the workflow definition of more than 10 trackers with other project manager and it is quite difficult and time consuming to maintain a document showing the states and transitions for everybody use.

An automatic generation of workflow visualisation like below will be great:

The color of the arrows represents the autorized transition by profile (manager, developper, customer)

Actions #6

Updated by Dmitry Dusenbaev over 14 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Ruben Kruiswijk about 14 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago

Checkout this for "Workflow visualization"

Actions #9

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 14 years ago

And here yet another implementation of a sort of "Workflow visualization" by Ryo SUETSUGU:

I myself have changed the patches/plugin-source slightly and maintain it as a private patch. I'll attach it to this issue (ro559-add_workflow_graphviz_graph-r4574.patch).

Actions #10

Updated by Terence Mill about 14 years ago

We installed the workflow_graphviz plugin sucessfully on redmine 1.01.

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 14 years ago

  • Category set to Issues workflow
Actions #12

Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

  • Target version set to Unplanned backlogs
Actions #13

Updated by Anton Lem almost 14 years ago

Workflow visualisation +1

Actions #14

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago

THe PLugin seems not to be maintained.
We reported some major bugs , but to response.

Actions #15

Updated by yannick quenec'hdu about 13 years ago


Your proposal is interesting. This implies that it is possible to make independent workflow per project, thus also independent issues statues by workflow and for each project.

In view of the evolution of IT projects to Agile methods. Workflow view could be seen with a Kanban view.

A perhaps introduce the notion of limit in the work in progress

Anton Lem wrote:

Workflow visualisation +1

Actions #16

Updated by @ go2null over 12 years ago

Geordee Naliyath wrote:

Here are some suggestions to enhance workflow:
1. Ability to hide unused statuses in workflow definition
At applications level we create many statuses and use only the appropriate ones for creating different workflows. This
creates large number of options when we are at workflow definition screen and it's very difficult to work with or understand
the workflows. We can do either of the following two options to make workflow definitions easier.
a. Use AJAX to hide unused statuses
b. Create ability to add/remove statuses for a particular workflow from the global set

This seems to be covers by Feature #8050, due in v2.1.0.

Actions #17

Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago

+1 I think it is very interesting

Actions #18

Updated by Mikołaj Milej over 12 years ago

Everything's fine, everyone is happy, after adding #8050 redmine is better but ...

We have 16 trackers and ~23 roles which makes 368 pages with individual workflows!! Happy clicking!!
Many of them should be empty (role not allowed do change status in tracker) or they would be the same (eg. Team Leaders, 3d designer and texture artist - similar role). So there would be many copy&paste which of course makes bugs and eats your time.

What's more. I've added new tracker then I've to set permissions for all team leaders which makes ~6 pages (but it could be something else, for all roles :D).

In my opinion, there should be sth like "template workflow" which you can assing for role.
For eg. 10 roles need the same workflow so you assign for those roles your "template workflow". When you would like to change it then you have to change only in one place istead of 10!
You added new role, tracker? It's fine! Select or modify one of your defined "template worklow" and it's done (instead of walk through 368 pages ...)!

+100 for that feature and those requested in this issue ;]

Actions #20

Updated by Daniel Felix about 12 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Graphviz of ticket dependencies
issue relations network view

Uhm? Both links point to the same issue. Was this expected?

Actions #21

Updated by Terence Mill about 12 years ago

Daniel Felix wrote:

Terence Mill wrote:

Graphviz of ticket dependencies
issue relations network view

Uhm? Both links point to the same issue. Was this expected?

Sry, fixed

Actions #22

Updated by Pavel Lautsevich about 12 years ago

+1 It very useful when i use Jira. So, i want this feature in Redmine!

Actions #23

Updated by Benjamin Jeanjean about 12 years ago

+1 ! Would be a really nice addition for Redmine !

Actions #24

Updated by Francesco V almost 12 years ago


Actions #25

Updated by Daniel Ritz over 10 years ago

A plugin for workflow enhancements in early stages. Currently only does a visualization with D3:

Actions #26

Updated by Daniel Ritz over 10 years ago

Daniel Ritz wrote:

A plugin for workflow enhancements in early stages. Currently only does a visualization with D3:

Just pushed an update that makes it possible to pre-define the issue statues for a tracker. Statuses defined in a tracker will show in the Workflow form when the check box 'Only display statuses that are used by this tracker' is checked, regardless whether a status is already used or not.

Actions #27

Updated by Seyyed Soroosh Hosseinalipour over 4 years ago


It is very useful feature. please add this to Redmine.

Are you any plan to add this in next version?

Actions #28

Updated by Fabrizio Sebastiani over 4 years ago

Yes we also very agree: it doesn't make sense to manage workflow in such a sparse table with flags (checkboxes). Eyes become crazy to move inside it, especially when status are many.

Visual mode could be very nice but not necessary: it would be enough to manage it by a fixed column transaction table holding the allowed transactions, example:

tracker Current status Role Next status
Feature Working Reporter Working
Feature Working Developer Closed
Feature Working Developer Feedback
Feature Working Developer New
Bug New Manager Closed
Bug New Manager Feedback

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