Feature #24581
Save spent time filters in session in order to have the same behaviour as for issue filters
Added by Marius BĂLTEANU about 8 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
The issue filters are persistent between the Redmine pages until your session expires. I think that It'll be very useful to have the same behaviour also for time entries filters (especially starting with version 3.4.0 where a new tab named "Spent time" was added) .
Currently, the filters are cleared after you leave the tab.
To reproduce:
- Go to the spent time tab
- Create a filter
- Navigate to issues tab
- Return to the spent time tab
- Observe that the filters are reseted.
- Target version set to 3.4.0
As I wrote in #14817#note-5, the patch works fine for me and passed all test.
Setting target version to 3.4.0.
Thanks for submitting the patch again.
- Target version deleted (
In the first place, issue filters were strored in session as an easy solution to problems like #14817. Storing search filters in session is unsual for web applications and I'd rather remove this from the issue list than add it to spent time.
As your patch shows, the change is very simple for those who need it.
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
In the first place, issue filters were stored in session as an easy solution to problems like #14817. Storing search filters in session is unusual for web applications and I'd rather remove this from the issue list than add it to spent time.
As your patch shows, the change is very simple for those who need it.
Thanks for your feedback. We'll try to find and propose another solution based on your input in order to have the filters persistent.
- Tracker changed from Patch to Feature
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Wont fix
I'm closing this as "Won't fix" and I'll create a new issue when I've another solution.
- Related to Defect #32322: changes made to filter/column/groupby is not saved to session cookie added
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