Feature #2595
openIssue report for all projects
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Currently, we can view /reports/issue_report/PROJECTNAME, but /reports/issue_report results in a 404. Everything on this page is applicable to all projects, save for Version and Category, which likely doesn't carry between projects. These could, for this page, be replaced by Project, yeah?
Related issues
Updated by Takenori TAKAKI about 6 years ago
- File how_to_access_issues_reports.png how_to_access_issues_reports.png added
- File issues_reports.png issues_reports.png added
- File 2595-without-tests.patch 2595-without-tests.patch added
I think that it would be very useful if I could see the issue summary page of all redmine projects.
So, I propose a patch that aroows you to access issues/reports without :project_id.
As below screenshots, You select projects -> issues -> summary to access the issue summary page for all projects.
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 5 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #2415: Global issue_report without project specific information added