

Takenori TAKAKI

  • Login: takenory
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  • Registered on: 2016-02-23
  • Last connection: 2025-03-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 10 10 20



13:41 Redmine Defect #41502: Custom field values for versions are not copied when copying a project that includes versions
I've found that both my patch (#note-1) and the patch proposed by @maeda-m (#note-2) still have an issue: copying ver... Takenori TAKAKI


06:19 Redmine Defect #41918: Replaces warning icon with SVG in watcher list and workflow warnings
I attach a patch for the replacementin #note-5. Takenori TAKAKI
06:17 Redmine Defect #41918: Replaces warning icon with SVG in watcher list and workflow warnings
I found that the Warning icon needs to be replaced for more than just the watcher list.
The replacements needed are ...
Takenori TAKAKI


14:55 Redmine Defect #41918: Replaces warning icon with SVG in watcher list and workflow warnings
I agree with the comment from Go Maeda (#note-1).
It seems that specifying the class attribute of the svg tag in app...
Takenori TAKAKI


04:55 Redmine Defect #41877: Add 'Related Issue' icon in Issue page is still the old one.
The old magnifier icon is proposed to be improved in another Issue (#41714).
I have posted a patch to improve the 'R...
Takenori TAKAKI
04:35 Redmine Defect #41714: Replace search and magnifier icons with SVG icon
As reported in Issue #41877, the Add 'Related Issue' icon also appears to be an old icon.
Takenori TAKAKI


06:06 Redmine Defect #41918 (Closed): Replaces warning icon with SVG in watcher list and workflow warnings
The warning icon shown in the watcher list for users who cannot view the issue is still an old image.
I propose a pa...
Takenori TAKAKI


02:52 Redmine Defect #41853: Group icons in watchers and membership modals are using a mix of legacy and SVG icons
I made a patch to fix the problem reported in this issue.
Additionally, this patch fixes the problem where old group...
Takenori TAKAKI


10:25 Redmine Defect #41818: Redundant tooltip appearing after clicking the ellipsis button in the action menus
In my environment, I observed the following:
* The issue occurs in application.js when the ('.drdn-trigger') click...
Takenori TAKAKI


07:43 Redmine Defect #41714: Replace search and magnifier icons with SVG icon
I've confirmed that the quick-jump menu icon has been updated to an SVG using the patch attached in #note-4.
Takenori TAKAKI

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