Feature #2751
Support for plain HTML code in Wiki
Added by Wolfgang S. Kechel about 16 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
I'd like to have support for plain HTML in the Wiki to be able to use tables and other stuff currently not supported by the markups.
Maybe something like {{{HMTL ... }}} can be used to put HTML code directly in the WiKi.
Usage Example:
Using plain HTML is a must have for us too...
upto now you have 2 possibilities to use HTML in redmine's wiki:
Plugin 'Redmine Wiki HTML Util'
Allows you to embedd RAW HTML into your wiki, load stylesheets and javascript.
Made for html/css/js by Arlo Carreon (http://www.arlocarreon.com/blog/redmine/redmine-wiki-html-utility )
Creates new macros html() css_url() js_url()
Extended HTML-formatting in redmine:
your Administrator needs to change
self.filter_styles=false ( in /lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/formatter.rb )
(source: http://docs.redmight.com/projects/1/wiki/5_Formatting_tips_and_tricks )
Then this works:
p{html-code}. text block
It would be nice, just to allow these functionalitites in the base code of redmine.
I think this could be dangerous in terms of security.
Someone could inject code, an do e.g cross site scripting.
Ever owner of a domain should pay attention to offer such features to user's
- Category changed from Wiki to Text formatting
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