Feature #28368
closedregarding watcher added in private project but not getting notification
Created private project in redmine with role and permission called (viewownissue). when adding watchers , their are not getting notification nor email with ticket link
Can anyone help with this
Related issues
Updated by Bernhard Rohloff about 7 years ago
any more information on this?
Nobody can figure out your exact problem based on a single line...
Please see the sumission guidelines, too.
Updated by pradeep pal about 7 years ago
let me explain you what we need
1 - In redmine we have one project which is made as private.
2 - We have setup a group which contains all users of redmine with role having to view own issues. ie they can see there own tickets only not all tickets which are created by other users.
3 - Now When we add a watcher in the ticket they dont receive any email notification as well they are not able to see the tickets also.
So we need your help to setup the project with private attribute and watchers and new authors should get email notification.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Priority changed from Urgent to Normal
- Resolution set to Duplicate
In Redmine core, the watcher must be a member of the private project in order to be notified or to get access to the issue. Please read more about this starting from the related ticket #8488. Also, in that tickets you can find some patches that works great and add this feature to Redmine.
I'm closing this one as duplicated.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 7 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #8488: Create an 'Involve' mechanism to private issues added
Updated by Lara R almost 7 years ago
Marius BALTEANU wrote:
In Redmine core, the watcher must be a member of the private project in order to be notified or to get access to the issue. Please read more about this starting from the related ticket #8488. Also, in that tickets you can find some patches that works great and add this feature to Redmine.
I'm closing this one as duplicated.
I am trying to install the 23546-watched_or_created_or_assigned_issue_visibility.patch but unable to do it.
I run the command patch -p0 < filename.patch but getting too many errors. Could you give me the steps you followed to install it?
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 7 years ago
- Related to Patch #16133: Available watchers on new issue form include users who cannot even view issues added