The patch breaks some tests. Would you update the tests?
TimelogControllerTest#test_create_and_continue_at_project_level [test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:273]:
Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
Expected "" to be === "".
bin/rails test test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:271
TimelogControllerTest#test_create_and_continue_with_issue_id [test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:324]:
Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
Expected "" to be === "".
bin/rails test test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:322
TimelogControllerTest#test_create_and_continue_at_issue_level [test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:290]:
Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
Expected "" to be === "".
bin/rails test test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:288
TimelogControllerTest#test_create_and_continue_with_project_id [test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:307]:
Expected response to be a redirect to <> but was a redirect to <>.
Expected "" to be === "".
bin/rails test test/functional/timelog_controller_test.rb:305