Feature #3108
set parent automatically for new pages
Added by Vlad Ershov almost 16 years ago.
Updated over 13 years ago.
There is a regular way to create new wiki pages is by adding a link to non-existing page and than click this link. As for now after saving new page the parent field is empty.
It will be great if parent page will be the previous one (the page that we come from) by default.
Vlad Ershov wrote:
[...] As for now after saving new page the parent field is empty.
It will be great if parent page will be the previous one (the page that we come from) by default.
This seems a great option to me, though I don't think it should be the default option. I rather would like it to be implemented as another option along the "Submit" and "Preview" control-elements. Like the implementation of the "Create" and "Create and continue" controls when creating new issues...
- Tracker changed from Defect to Feature
I agree with Mischa, making it the default option can cause a user to create a deep wiki without them knowing. For example:
|_ Page one
|_ Page two
|_ Page three
- File 3108_automatic_parent.diff added
See attached file for a proposal. But maybe it would be better to let administrators at project level decide if parent page is set automatically or not by default. Or even decide that parent page is set automatically "below X levels" in the hierarchy.. Any thought about this ?
- File 3108_automatic_parent_2.diff added
Tiny update:
- button visible only parent parameter can be set
- better place for @page modification
- File deleted (
Third version with some functional tests and a bug fixed (buggued preview with the previous one). Maybe I will find other bugs in the next days, let me know if you find some...
- File deleted (
+1 for that feature
I agree with Mischa
- File parent_page.png parent_page.png added
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version set to 1.4.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
Feature added in r8255. I added a checkbox instead of a new submit button, so this can be changed later to a regular field for parent page selection (#6449).
Just check the check box when creating the page:

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