



Patch #31110


Raise an exception if the plugin directory name differs from the plugin id

Added by Mizuki ISHIKAWA almost 6 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Plugin API
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If the plugin directory name and the plugin id are not the same, the plugin will not work because the required files will not be read.


If you change the directory name of redmine_vividtone_my_page_blocks plugin to redmine-vividtone-my-page-blocks, the following log will be output and it will not work well.

Partial "my/blocks/new_issues" missing for block "new_issues" found in admin (id=1) preferences
Partial "my/blocks/neglected_issues" missing for block "neglected_issues" found in admin (id=1) preferences
Partial "my/blocks/doing_issues" missing for block "doing_issues" found in admin (id=1) preferences

The problem is hard to solve because you can not notice that the wrong directory name is the cause of the problem.

I think I should raise an exception if there is no directory with the same name as the plugin id.
I attached a patch for that.


Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #31538: Allow a plugin to be installed in the directory different from the plugin idNew

Actions #2

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release

Thank you for posting the patch. I think it would be even better if the exception has a more informative message like the following. With this message, an admin easily understands that he should rename the directory.

Plugin not found. The plugin #{} should be installed in #{}.
Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.1.0
Actions #4

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA almost 6 years ago

I corrected the error message to include the directory name.

Actions #5

Updated by Akiko Takano almost 6 years ago

+1 Nice work, quite helpful!

Actions #6

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Go MAEDA

Committed the patches. Thank you for your contribution.

Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #31538: Allow a plugin to be installed in the directory different from the plugin id added
Actions #8

Updated by luigifab ! over 2 years ago

Since the following piece of code was added:

        raise PluginNotFound, "Plugin not found. The directory for plugin #{} should be #{}." 

This prevent Redmine plugins packed into Gem (example for Redmine < 5) to work with Redmine 4.1+. It was working with Redmine 3.x and 4.0.

By removing it, this work with Redmine 4.1 / 4.2 / 5.0.

Actions #9

Updated by Mizuki ISHIKAWA over 2 years ago

luigifab ! wrote:

Since the following piece of code was added:


This prevent Redmine plugins packed into Gem (example for Redmine < 5) to work with Redmine 4.1+. It was working with Redmine 3.x and 4.0.

By removing it, this work with Redmine 4.1 / 4.2 / 5.0.

Thanks for sharing the issue.
The exception occurred because the plugin directory is located in /usr/local/bundle/gems/redmine_apijs-6.9.0 when using the redmine_apijs plugin as you mentioned.

Actions #10

Updated by Go MAEDA over 2 years ago

luigifab ! wrote:

Since the following piece of code was added:


This prevent Redmine plugins packed into Gem (example for Redmine < 5) to work with Redmine 4.1+. It was working with Redmine 3.x and 4.0.

By removing it, this work with Redmine 4.1 / 4.2 / 5.0.

Since this issue is closed and the change has already been delivered, please open a new issue.


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