



Patch #32405


Updating sq translation

Added by Besnik Bleta over 5 years ago. Updated 14 days ago.

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Here’s an attempt to update and complete sq translation of Redmine.
I’d appreciate if someone can run the tests on them, as I failed to do so myself.



sq.yml (62.7 KB) sq.yml main file Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:11
wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html (17.4 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html (17.7 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
wiki_syntax_markdown.html (5.43 KB) wiki_syntax_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
wiki_syntax_textile.html (5.59 KB) wiki_syntax_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
jquery.ui.datepicker-sq.js (887 Bytes) jquery.ui.datepicker-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
jstoolbar-sq.js (763 Bytes) jstoolbar-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:12
sq.yml (188 Bytes) sq.yml from extra/sample_plugin/config.locales Besnik Bleta, 2019-11-04 18:13
sq.yml (64.2 KB) sq.yml Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:29
datepicker-sq.js (1.11 KB) datepicker-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:29
jstoolbar-sq.js (951 Bytes) jstoolbar-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:29
wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html (17.8 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:30
wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html (17.5 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:30
wiki_syntax_markdown.html (5.43 KB) wiki_syntax_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:30
wiki_syntax_textile.html (5.59 KB) wiki_syntax_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:30
sq.yml (201 Bytes) sq.yml Besnik Bleta, 2020-05-01 20:31
sq.yml (68.8 KB) sq.yml Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:46
sq.yml (199 Bytes) sq.yml Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:46
datepicker-sq.js (1.11 KB) datepicker-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
jstoolbar-sq.js (951 Bytes) jstoolbar-sq.js Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html (17.5 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
wiki_syntax_markdown.html (5.43 KB) wiki_syntax_markdown.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html (17.7 KB) wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
wiki_syntax_textile.html (5.59 KB) wiki_syntax_textile.html Besnik Bleta, 2020-11-27 16:48
sq.yml (75.5 KB) sq.yml Besnik Bleta, 2025-03-16 21:16
Actions #1

Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Actions #2

Updated by Besnik Bleta almost 5 years ago

Besnik Bleta wrote:


Here’s an attempt to update and complete sq translation of Redmine.
I’d appreciate if someone can run the tests on them, as I failed to do so myself.



I couldn’t success in testing using "rake test" even a couple of hours trying to debug and/or update ruby with the help from people from #ruby and #redmine channels on freenode. But I've tested the translations through manipulating a local Redmine Bitnami instance and it works fine.

So I really would appreciate if someone could test them for me and help updating sq translation.

Here you are the updated translation files.

Actions #3

Updated by Besnik Bleta over 4 years ago

Besnik Bleta wrote:

Here you are the updated translation files.

Here you are the updated translation files for sq locale

I have not managed to run the tests.

Actions #4

Updated by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago

  • Assignee set to Go MAEDA

I have committed config/locales/sq.yml in r21350. Thank you.

I am going to commit the other remaining files in the near future.

Actions #5

Updated by Besnik Bleta 14 days ago

I’m attaching an update for sq translation for trunk.

I’d also like to draw attention to the fact that after 3 years this thread seems to have not made any progress about the other files I submitted. TIA!


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