Defect #33930
closed500 error when attempting to create custom field enumeration with empty name
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When editing the list of possible values for a key/value custom field type, clicking "Add" with the field empty will lead to a HTTP 500 error from Redmine. An example stack trace is attached. The error is confirmed on current master.
It should at least be fixed that Redmine does not create an HTTP 500 error, an error message that the value must not be empty would be better.
Started POST "/custom_fields/1/enumerations" for ::1 at 2020-08-30 17:47:21 +0200 Processing by CustomFieldEnumerationsController#create as JS Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "custom_field_enumeration"=>{"name"=>""}, "commit"=>"Add", "custom_field_id"=>"1"} Token Update All (2.5ms) UPDATE `tokens` SET `tokens`.`updated_on` = '2020-08-30 17:47:21' WHERE `tokens`.`user_id` = 1 AND `tokens`.`value` = '<redacted>' AND `tokens`.`action` = 'session' (0.3ms) SELECT MAX(`settings`.`updated_on`) FROM `settings` User Load (0.3ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`type` IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser') AND `users`.`status` = 1 AND `users`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 Current user: admin (id=1) CustomField Load (0.3ms) SELECT `custom_fields`.* FROM `custom_fields` WHERE `custom_fields`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 (0.3ms) BEGIN (0.2ms) ROLLBACK Rendering custom_field_enumerations/create.js.erb Rendering custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb CustomFieldEnumeration Load (0.4ms) SELECT `custom_field_enumerations`.* FROM `custom_field_enumerations` WHERE `custom_field_enumerations`.`custom_field_id` = 1 ORDER BY `custom_field_enumerations`.`position` ASC Rendered custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb (8.8ms) Rendered custom_field_enumerations/create.js.erb (13.7ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 100ms (ActiveRecord: 4.4ms) ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"update", :controller=>"custom_field_enumerations", :custom_field_id=>"1", :id=>nil}, missing required keys: [:id]): 14: <%= check_box_tag "custom_field_enumerations[#{}][active]", 1, %> 15: <%= l(:field_active) %> 16: </label> 17: <%= delete_link custom_field_enumeration_path(@custom_field, value) %> 18: </li> 19: <% end %> 20: </ul> app/views/custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb:17:in `block (2 levels) in _app_views_custom_field_enumerations_index_html_erb___3882666770216567044_70211539369080' app/views/custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb:7:in `each_with_index' app/views/custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb:7:in `block in _app_views_custom_field_enumerations_index_html_erb___3882666770216567044_70211539369080' app/views/custom_field_enumerations/index.html.erb:4:in `_app_views_custom_field_enumerations_index_html_erb___3882666770216567044_70211539369080' app/views/custom_field_enumerations/create.js.erb:1:in `_app_views_custom_field_enumerations_create_js_erb__3749928945083050900_70211553777600' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:64:in `sudo_mode'
Updated by Kevin Fischer over 4 years ago
- File 33930.diff 33930.diff added
Here is a patch written by goh, rbtgr and me.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
- File 33930-validation.png 33930-validation.png added
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 4.2.0
Validation errors are now handled properly with the patch. Setting the target version to 4.2.0.
Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
- Resolution set to Fixed
Committed the patch. Thank you for fixing the issue.