



Defect #34841


URL encoding to pass arguments is broken with Edge and IE

Added by Benoit Petit almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Target version:
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Wont fix
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I've got a tracker and I'm providing to my user an URL to validate or not some boolean fields defined in custom fields.
E.g. : http://myredmine/projects/tracker/issues/new?issue%5Bcustom_field_values%5D%5B4%5D=1

you should read : http://myredmine/projects/tracker/issues/new?issue[custom_field_values][4]=1

As you can see, square brackets are coded. Chrome and firefox are reading them without issue, Edge and IE are not reading them and just open the page without changing the fields.

Any idea how to solve that ?
Running 4.0.3.stable

thanks a lot

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #34978: Add the list of supported browsers to docs and drop support for IE 11ClosedMarius BĂLTEANU

Actions #1

Updated by C S almost 4 years ago

You know that both (Legacy Edge) are End of Life?

Actions #2

Updated by Benoit Petit almost 4 years ago

C S wrote:

You know that both (Legacy Edge) are End of Life?

I am, but that is still used.

Additional question, is there a way to prefill a custom field, that would be hidden or read-only ? Basically filled by the URL but without showing the field to the user.


Actions #3

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago

  • Resolution set to Cant reproduce

I cannot reproduce the issue with Internet Explorer 11 and Redmine 4.1.2.

I was able to turn on a boolean custom field using the following URL.

Actions #4

Updated by Benoit Petit almost 4 years ago

ok, my issue was may be that the field has to be visible by the user.
I've made additional trials and it might be the root cause.
Can you please give a try to hide the custom field and see if the URL can still set the field?

Actions #5

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago

Benoit Petit wrote:

Can you please give a try to hide the custom field and see if the URL can still set the field?

Does "hide" mean tweaking "Visible" setting in Custom fields » Issues page?

If the custom field is not configured to be visible to the user's role, I think the user will not be able to set a value to the custom field.

Actions #6

Updated by Benoit Petit almost 4 years ago

Yes exactly, not visible but changed by the URL.that helps to sort some issues by internal items that are not easy to explain to newbies..

Actions #7

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #34978: Add the list of supported browsers to docs and drop support for IE 11 added
Actions #8

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution changed from Cant reproduce to Wont fix

Redmine no longer supports Internet Explorer (see #34978).


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