Feature #40829
closedExpose project updated_on column and filter in project query
It is sometimes helpful to query recently changed projects, for example to look for changes in a project's custom field and update external applications accordingly.
This patch adds the `updated_on` attribute to the list of available columns and filters in issue queries. We understand that "updated" for a project might lead to confusion because it could also be understood as "something in the project has changed" and not just "the project itself was changed". The addition of the "last activity" in #23954 should help understand the difference between the 2 values though.
Updated by Felix Schäfer 10 months ago
- File 40829.patch 40829.patch added
The attached patch provides an updated_on
column and filter.
Updated by Go MAEDA 9 months ago
- File 40829-v2.patch 40829-v2.patch added
- File clipboard-202406211046-95bl1.png clipboard-202406211046-95bl1.png added
I made a slight fix to the patch (QueryColumn.new(:created_on, ...
should be QueryColumn.new(:updated_on, ...
We understand that "updated" for a project might lead to confusion because it could also be understood as "something in the project has changed" and not just "the project itself was changed".
To avoid this confusion, we can add a "Last activity" filter, which is currently not implemented in #23954. At present, we can only see "Created" and "Updated" in the "Date" group of the dropdown.
With the patch applied, the "Date" group in the filter dropdown only contains "Created" and "Updated". Without "Last activity", users might get confused.
Updated by Felix Schäfer 9 months ago
Go MAEDA wrote in #note-3:
I made a slight fix to the patch (
QueryColumn.new(:created_on, ...
should beQueryColumn.new(:updated_on, ...
Thank you for the correction, I am sorry for the error.
To avoid this confusion, we can add a "Last activity" filter, which is currently not implemented in #23954. At present, we can only see "Created" and "Updated" in the "Date" group of the dropdown.
With the patch applied, the "Date" group in the filter dropdown only contains "Created" and "Updated". Without "Last activity", users might get confused.
The patch in #23954 adds the column and not the filter, this is correct. I think having the Last Activity column would already be helpful to understand which words/entry means which changes. It would be best to also have a Last Activity filter, but I think it would already be helpful to have the Last Activity column and the Updated column and filter even if the Last Activity filter is not there already. Should this really prove challenging for users we can maybe think about a different wording then?
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 9 months ago
- Assignee set to Go MAEDA
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 6.0.0