



Feature #4831


mobile java implementation of redmine API

Added by oliver stieber about 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

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This ticket is to implement a mobile java implementation of the redmine API so that mobile phones that have java on them can all use a common module to implement a target client.

I'm more than willing to write this given a little assistance.

Related issues

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #4834: Java implementation of redmine APIClosed2010-02-13

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago

  • Category set to REST API
Actions #2

Updated by Alex Last over 14 years ago

I have an initial implementation of Java API for Redmine, which I use in my application
This API is definitely not complete, but it serves its purpose for me and you're welcome to improve it if you want.
Note: I'm using Java SE. Haven't used Java ME in a looooong time, so don't even remember if you could reuse that code in Java ME without any changes. I'd expect any reasonable smartphone to have regular Java SE anyway.

Actions #3

Updated by oliver stieber over 14 years ago

cool, I will take a look at this shortly.
I've been trying to get myself up and running again, after just about recovering from 8-9 months of discontinuation syndrome after stopping taking some medication that lowered my dopamine levels for around 5 years when I have ADD/ADHD and should have been on medication to raise them.
The result of stopping them was basically 7.5 months of dopamine psychosis!, still in the recovery process as the meds basically lobotomized me for the past 5.5 years and my brain is now starting to work more like it was working previously, but different bits are working in different ways and recovering at different times so I'm a bit all over the place!

I need Redmine to manage/organize my life (and my partners who has a memory like a goldfish and worse at getting things done and organizing things than I was when I was on the medication!!).

Suffice to say, it's one serious itch I've got to scratch. A friend is going to do a bit of PA work for me, and I have some other friends who have volunteered to help me get a charity and company up and running. So, I want a highly efficient, accessibly, easy to use and tightly integrated, real time, on the move, 'project management' tool to use to get this done, and Redmine is by far the closest FOSS tool I've found.

expect me to be sending in patches and writing plugins pretty soon. (I have a few computers to get working properly, my PA's Internet and integration into my home systems to sort out, and my T-Mobile G1 android phone to fix first.) After that I plan on intergrating Redmine with all the phones that my various assistants have as possible and also with the KDE desktop as I go round convincing everyone I know to switch to Linux + KDE 4.4+, so the people assisting me are pretty much all running it.

I believe that Plasma widgets and the like can be written on-top of a Java API.

Actions #4

Updated by Alex Last about 14 years ago

The project I mentioned above has moved to another website. Unfortunately, I can't delete the old links here.
Here's the download page:
It's a commercial software with support, documentation and samples. New versions will be released approximately every 2 weeks.

Actions #5

Updated by Alex Last almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I think this ticker can be closed as a duplicate of #4834

Actions #6

Updated by Alex Last almost 14 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Resolution set to Duplicate

So be it.


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