



Feature #634


After moving an issue, follow it

Added by Kioma Aldecoa about 17 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

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Currently, after you move an issue, it takes you back to the issue list of the original project. There is an intermediate page where you can change the tracker and specify the project.

I would prefer if it would make it easier to edit the issue after it moves to the target project. The thing is, in my typical usage, I need to edit details of an issue immediately after moving it. To do that now I need to manually hunt down the issue in the new project, which isn't always easy and takes lots of clicks. I propose 2 options that would make things easier:

Option 1 -- on the intermediate page (what is currently /projects/move_issues/), it would give you full control to edit all aspects of the issue, including priority, asignee, version, custom fields, etc. and not just tracker. After submitting the intermediate page, it could take you back to the original project issue list. There could by some ajaxy thing that changes the list of fields to set depending on which target project you choose from a dropdown. Also you could just set the target project by right click in the previous step, and this intermediate page doesn't let you choose a project.

Option 2 -- after moving an issue as with the current system, it takes you to the issue in the new project. This could happen by following a special link, or could always happen.

I prefer Option 1, because it could still take you back to the original issue list when done, which is also convenient.

What would be super cool, some day, is to be able to drag and drop issues around. That would work really well for the way I use it. I don't expect something that complex to happen any time soon though. Right clicking issues in the issue list is super cool as it is.


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