Defect #6378
openSubtask - Start is invalid
For example:
- The start date of the parent task is '2010-09-10'
- The start date of the subtask is '2010-09-10'
I've tried some other dates for the subtask and it works for date '2010-10-01' and later...
Related issues
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 14 years ago
I've been trying to reproduce this issue for some time now (using the subtasks feature only) but have not been able to trigger the given result.
Are you sure this isn't an error due to use of the issue-relations feature (in particular the precedes-/following-relationship)?
Can you maybe give exact and detailed steps to reproduce the issue?
Can you maybe setup a project and some issues on to showcase the unexpected result?
Updated by Martin G over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I can't reproduce the issue on http:\\ too.
So, i think the problem was resolved concurrently with another issue for the version 1.0.2
Updated by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Thanks for the feedback.
Updated by Fernando Hartmann over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
I'm using 1.0.2 and the problem happened two times today.
Updated by Damien Couderc over 14 years ago
I got the problem too using 1.0.2 ...
We should be able to change the % done without the start date being updated (even with the same value).
Updated by Damien Couderc over 14 years ago
This issue is a real pain when you use heavily the gantt chart.
We have to remove the start date to be able to update issue which make it disappearing from the gantt chart.
Maybe the priority should be higher ...
Updated by Tim Ehlen over 14 years ago
We are experiencing this also on 1.01. I believe it is a formatting mismatch between the calendar date widget and the format of the display dates. Dates are displaying in the edit box as '2010/10/1' but the format of date in settings is '10/1/2010'. If you are getting this error just retype the date using your proper date format and it should save.
PS how can you change the format the calendar widget uses?
Updated by Tim Ehlen over 14 years ago
Sorry, I changed the setting display format to match the calendar helper and we still experience the problem.
It seems like it relates to the parent child relationship. The Parent feature does not have a start date (and we cannot edit it becuase of the children) but when we specify a start date on a child we get the error message.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 14 years ago
Tim Ehlen wrote:
It seems like it relates to the parent child relationship. The Parent feature does not have a start date (and we cannot edit it becuase of the children) but when we specify a start date on a child we get the error message.
I've tried to reproduce this error again on a fresh checkout of the current trunk, using the quoted steps to reproduce the error. Again, I haven't been able to reproduce the described behaviour.
Updated by Damien Couderc over 14 years ago
Well as far as I can see with the issue on my side, this is a problem of precedence.
The problem occurs only on task with precedes/follows links, so I think Mischa got it since the beginning.
I'm going to see ASAP if one or more of those links is breaking something.
Updated by Erp Erpington about 14 years ago
Just ran across this issue today. The basic setup was a 'Phase 1' with a few subissues and a 'Phase 2' with a few subissues, with Phase 2 set to follow Phase 1. Only Phase 2 issues showed the issue when updating. Phase 1 had a couple days of 'slack' time, which overlapped with the start of Phase 2. Removing the follows relationship between the phases 'fixed' the problem with updating Phase 2 issues.
Updated by Adam Klinkosz about 14 years ago
It had happened to me as well. I had a subtask with was starting at 2011-02-24 and a parent task ended at 2011-02-24 - then the problem occurred.
It is perfectly reasonable and logical behavior. However, I can not change the end date of the parent task - it is disabled.
Updated by Rogério Carrasqueira almost 14 years ago
+1. It seems the redmine is not checking correctly the relationship between task on follow and precedence relationship and is ignoring the estimated hours set at the ticket. For example if my workday has 8 hour I can split it on two tasks with 4 hours each one. So I think that if the redmine could check this information and resource allocated to execute the task I believe that the problem can be solved.
Cheers from Brazil!
Rogério Carrasqueira
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Reopened to Closed
- Resolution set to Invalid
This was most-likely indeed an error due to use of the issue-relations feature (in particular the precedes-/following-relationship). IIRC this feature is fixed in current Redmine releases.
Please open a new issue, along with the precise steps to reproduce the error and info about the environment on which the error occurs (see submissions), if you (still) encounter this error.
Updated by Jirka Borovec over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
the problem is still there and I maybe found how it happened...
it comes when your task B starts before the previous task A ends (the task B follows A), in fact it permits you to create task B whenever you want and add the dependency on task A (it does not check it in that time) but when the update come it does check it, it says that the start time is invalid, but still it add it to spend time, so even the task is not updated the time increased... [we use about 6 month old version]
is it really corrected in last release?
Updated by Edgar H almost 12 years ago
Jirka Borovec wrote:
the problem is still there and I maybe found how it happened...
it comes when your task B starts before the previous task A ends (the task B follows A), in fact it permits you to create task B whenever you want and add the dependency on task A (it does not check it in that time) but when the update come it does check it, it says that the start time is invalid, but still it add it to spend time, so even the task is not updated the time increased... [we use about 6 month old version]
is it really corrected in last release?
I can confirm that this happens exactly as you say on Redmine 2.1.2.stable.
Updated by Monica Kochofar almost 11 years ago
Jirka Borovec wrote:
the problem is still there and I maybe found how it happened...
it comes when your task B starts before the previous task A ends (the task B follows A), in fact it permits you to create task B whenever you want and add the dependency on task A (it does not check it in that time) but when the update come it does check it, it says that the start time is invalid, but still it add it to spend time, so even the task is not updated the time increased... [we use about 6 month old version]
is it really corrected in last release?
Can confirm that this exists in Version: 2.5.1 of Redmine, I have actually opened a similar issue with steps on how to reproduce here: #16896
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago
- Related to Defect #16896: Follows Relation Ignored When Adding a Parent added