



Feature #6401


Make Wiki Redirects editable

Added by Tharuka Pathirana over 14 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Target version:
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Wiki redirects need to be editable:
  • Unredirect a page (and change back links to that page)
  • Redirect to an existing page (e.g. for synonyms)

Currently, if there is page A and it's renamed to page B with "Redirect existing links" selected, a new page A cannot be created.

I think it would be better if redirects are defined in a page's content (similar to how it works on Wikipedia). That way many different pages can redirect to one target page, and if a redirecting page later needs to hold content, it can be easily edited.

Actions #1

Updated by Matthias Michelsburg about 14 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Andrew Baldwin almost 14 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Toni Mueller over 13 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by Jun Huang over 13 years ago


Actions #6

Updated by Terence Mill over 13 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Sergei Garmash over 13 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Joshua Masek over 13 years ago

FYI, a workaround without going to the database:

  1. Originally named page "Page A"
  2. Later renamed page "Page B" with the "redirects" option checked.
  3. Later, we want to create a separate page for "Page A"
  1. Rename "Page B" to "Page A" with the "redirects" option checked.
  2. Rename "Page A" to "Page B" with the "redirects" option NOT checked.
Actions #9

Updated by Oli Kessler about 13 years ago

Joshua Masek wrote:

FYI, a workaround without going to the database:

  1. Originally named page "Page A"
  2. Later renamed page "Page B" with the "redirects" option checked.
  3. Later, we want to create a separate page for "Page A"
  1. Rename "Page B" to "Page A" with the "redirects" option checked.
  2. Rename "Page A" to "Page B" with the "redirects" option NOT checked.

Great information, appreciated very much!

+1 for this feature

Actions #10

Updated by Cassiano Monteiro over 12 years ago


That workaround still works on Redmine 1.4.4. Thanks!

Actions #11

Updated by Deoren Moor over 10 years ago


Actions #12

Updated by David Lukas Müller over 9 years ago


That workaround still works on Redmine 2.4.2.stable. Many Thanks!

Actions #13

Updated by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen over 7 years ago


For the curious with database access the example below queries and lists existing redirects:

$ mysql -u redmine_default -p redmine_default -e "select * from wiki_redirects;" 
Enter password:  
| id | wiki_id | title                             | redirects_to                          | created_on          | redirects_to_wiki_id |
|  1 |     113 | Wiki                              | Learning_JavaScript_MVC_and_AngularJS | 2016-06-29 01:23:40 |                  113 |

Beware if changing anything that it will probably also affect the relationship between data in the tables wiki_contents, wiki_pages and wiki_redirects.

Actions #14

Updated by Holger Mößinger over 5 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by Friederike Jolk over 4 years ago


Joshua Masek wrote:

FYI, a workaround without going to the database:

Thanks a lot, great help.


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