Feature #6707
Added by Fabio Ginzel over 14 years ago.
Updated over 10 years ago.
I would like to order on the screen issues I was Assigned to:
:order => "#{IssuePriority.table_name}.position DESC, #{Issue.table_name}.status_id DESC, #{Issue.table_name}.start_date ") %>
Sorry about my english
Just select the sort order by clicking on the table headers in the issue list. The sorting is cumulative. So first sort by priority, then by status and finaly by start date.
However, this is not possible on My page. There we are missing the functionality to actually include existing queries.
Alternatively let me save a query for the my page display of my issues. For example, I would like them to be grouped by project and ordered by tracker then status. And I want to see the % done.
A link beside the 'view all queries' could be the 'edit this query'.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Close as duplicate with #1565.
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