



Feature #1565


Custom query on My page

Added by Andrea Maleci about 16 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

My page
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Should be nice to add on my page folder a saved custom query.


master_1565.diff (11.5 KB) master_1565.diff patch against master Jens Krämer, 2015-02-09 13:27
2.6_stable_1565.diff (11.5 KB) 2.6_stable_1565.diff patch against 2.6-stable Jens Krämer, 2015-02-09 13:28
rm_1565_issues_from_custom_query.patch (7.82 KB) rm_1565_issues_from_custom_query.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2017-02-27 22:42
my-page-query-setting.png (27 KB) my-page-query-setting.png Go MAEDA, 2017-03-01 14:55
my-page-query.png (69.7 KB) my-page-query.png Go MAEDA, 2017-03-01 14:55
rm_1565_issues_from_custom_query.patch (8.03 KB) rm_1565_issues_from_custom_query.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2017-03-10 09:20

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #662: Make issue lists on "My Page" customizableClosed2008-02-13

Related to Redmine - Feature #12223: Make "My Page"-Widgets filterableClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #574: Add "My issues" to main menuNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #12789: Redmine - design studyNew

Related to Redmine - Defect #23574: Issue subjects are truncated at 60 characters on my pageClosed

Related to Redmine - Feature #27313: More custom queries on My pageNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #2920: filter issues assigned to me by projectClosed2009-03-06

Related to Redmine - Feature #9314: Filtering query with statement condition not mantain sort criteriaClosed2011-09-23

Has duplicate Redmine - Patch #3220: Custom queries as my page widgetClosed2009-04-22

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #2881: Direct links to Custom queries on "My Page"Closed

Has duplicate Redmine - Patch #217: New "Open Issues assigned to me" view for /my/pageClosed

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #8808: My custom queries on My pageClosed2011-07-14

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #8228: Allow custom filter to be used on "My Page".Closed2011-04-26

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #8304: Add custom queries to "My Page"Closed2011-05-05

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #1710: ability to change the query that displays "Issues Assigned to me" on the My PageClosed2008-07-29

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #1051: My Page - Customisaton / Default behaviour - Reported IssuesClosed2008-04-13

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #4677: Add a filter on the "My reported issues" blockClosed2010-01-28

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #4001: Configuration of My pageClosed2009-10-08

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #6707: Order of my IssuesClosed2010-10-20

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #5563: provide more information about "target version"Closed2010-05-20

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #9479: Add a custom filtered issues block to 'My page'Closed2011-10-27

Actions #1

Updated by Johann Chaves almost 14 years ago

Does anybody knows what happened to this issue?

Actions #2

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 14 years ago

Johann Chaves wrote:

Does anybody knows what happened to this issue?

AFAICS: nothing (yet)...

Actions #3

Updated by James Rowe over 13 years ago

I agree. Should be able to have custom queries as a droppable block on my page.

Take the look and feel of 'issues I'm watching' and put in issues returned from a custom query.


Actions #4

Updated by Landon Harsh over 13 years ago

There is a plugin called "MyPage custom queries" that will do this, but it does not honor the columns from the query which I think is critical.

+1 for this with the columns from the query honored.

Actions #5

Updated by Irfan Adilovic over 13 years ago


I don't have a use for closed issues in the watched and reported issues queries; I'd like to customize them or replace them with custom ones.

Actions #6

Updated by Tobias Verbeke over 13 years ago


would significantly reduce clicking around to have a quick overview when starting to work; this feature request was the first one team members made since the introduction of redmine for our project management

Actions #7

Updated by Milan Stastny over 13 years ago

MyPage custom queries is my quick creation withouth much of a testing and feedback from anybody, so if you try it out and find out that it works close to your liking I'll be more than happy to finish it. Just let me know, on github/mail, anywhere.

Actions #8

Updated by Landon Harsh over 13 years ago

I am utilizing the MyPage custom queries plugin. I thought it was going to do exactly what I wanted, but I was a bit disappointed for one reason. It does not honor the specifics of the query, displayed coloumns, sort order, those kinds of things. If it did honor all parameters of the query, this would be a perfect solution for my particular situation.

I appreciate what you have done so far, it is a great start! Thank you.

Actions #9

Updated by Ladislav Nesnera over 13 years ago

These tickets seem be related or duplicate too:
Actions #10

Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

  • Category set to My page
Actions #11

Updated by Pavel Pivovarov over 13 years ago

So whats happening with that feature? Has anyone find solution?

Actions #12

Updated by Ladislav Nesnera over 13 years ago

I'm afraid there is nobody who care this feature :-(

Actions #13

Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] over 13 years ago


Actions #14

Updated by Ivan Cenov about 13 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by Josh Davidson about 13 years ago

+1. Customizing the "my page" calendar based on query would also be welcome.

Actions #16

Updated by Cyril Dubus about 13 years ago

+1 That feature would be more than great ! I'm so frustrated when I click on "My page" and I cannot see the issues I want to see.

Actions #17

Updated by Michael Kling about 13 years ago

+1 :D

Actions #18

Updated by Steven Bidny over 12 years ago


Actions #19

Updated by Julian Xhokaxhiu over 12 years ago

C'mon, other issue tracker does have this (like Mantis or Trac). +1!

Actions #20

Updated by Hannes Meier over 12 years ago


Actions #21

Updated by John Wilcox over 12 years ago

This feature would be very useful. As it is now, the "my page" is a bit pointless, since custom queries are not available and default listing is not sufficient at all.

Actions #22

Updated by Stephan Georg over 12 years ago

+1 would really be helpful and improving usability.

Actions #23

Updated by Yassen Damyanov over 12 years ago

+1 We badly need this functionality to provide customized blocks on "My Page" for various cases.

Actions #24

Updated by Attila Nagy over 12 years ago


Actions #25

Updated by Kenneth Scott over 12 years ago


Actions #26

Updated by Wim DePreter over 12 years ago


Actions #27

Updated by Wolfgang Neudorfer over 12 years ago


Actions #29

Updated by Vladimir Pitin over 12 years ago


Actions #30

Updated by Schollii Tron about 12 years ago

This is clearly a much needed feature. Shouldn't this ticket's priority be upped? Also, could someone with required permisssions add the tickets mentioned in "duplicates" from comment 9 to the "related" for this ticket?

From looking at all these tickets, a view block that allows you to display one of your saved reports would do the trick, no? Even better, if you could "instantiate" more than one of those view blocks, as some people want to see several reports simultaneously.

Actions #31

Updated by Christopher Bebry almost 12 years ago


Actions #32

Updated by Gary Barclay over 11 years ago

+1 for me...I won't upgrade until this feature is implemented.
We are using the plugin MyPage queries which allows us to create lists of auto generated issues of a specific type.

Actions #33

Updated by Pat Mächler over 11 years ago


Actions #34

Updated by Eugene Fokin over 11 years ago


Actions #35

Updated by Bob Walasek over 11 years ago

+1 This would be a great feature!

Actions #36

Updated by Leos Prikryl over 11 years ago


Actions #37

Updated by Dipan Mehta over 11 years ago

+1. This is a very demanded feature in our company.

Actions #38

Updated by Leos Prikryl over 11 years ago

This plugin works fine with Redmine 2.3.0.

Actions #39

Updated by Dipan Mehta over 11 years ago

Leos Prikryl wrote:

This plugin works fine with Redmine 2.3.0.

This is a great plugin and works! This really transforms the "my page" experience. However, I saw one limitation. The regular query page allows you to sort the issue list based on different fields where as here they are only based on issue ID. Is it possible to provide sort order?

Thanks for the plugin.

Actions #40

Updated by Leos Prikryl over 11 years ago

Dipan Mehta wrote:

This is a great plugin and works! This really transforms the "my page" experience. However, I saw one limitation. The regular query page allows you to sort the issue list based on different fields where as here they are only based on issue ID. Is it possible to provide sort order?

Thanks for the plugin.

It's not my plugin. I just found it. You would have to contact the authors with your feature request.

Actions #41

Updated by Ralph Twele over 11 years ago

+1 I could not get to work on my Redmine 2.3.0 Bitnami native stack for Windows.

Actions #42

Updated by Leos Prikryl over 11 years ago

I am running successfully on Redmine 2.3.0 Bitnami native stack for Windows. If you need help, please send me details of your problem to .

Actions #43

Updated by Sven Wermers about 11 years ago


Actions #44

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago

Actions #45

Updated by firzen pan almost 11 years ago

Ralph Twele wrote:

+1 I could not get to work on my Redmine 2.3.0 Bitnami native stack for Windows.

It works fine on my redmine 2.3.3 Bitnami stack for linux. Great works!!!

Actions #46

Updated by Marc D. almost 11 years ago


Actions #47

Updated by Kevin Palm over 10 years ago


Actions #48

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #17006: Hide issues from closed project on my page added
Actions #49

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Feature #17006: Hide issues from closed project on my page)
Actions #50

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #1710: ability to change the query that displays "Issues Assigned to me" on the My Page added
Actions #51

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #1051: My Page - Customisaton / Default behaviour - Reported Issues added
Actions #52

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #4677: Add a filter on the "My reported issues" block added
Actions #53

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

Actions #54

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Related to Feature #574: Add "My issues" to main menu added
Actions #55

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

Actions #56

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 10 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #5563: provide more information about "target version" added
Actions #57

Updated by Lukasz Kszonowski about 10 years ago


Actions #58

Updated by Antonio De Marinis about 10 years ago

This is really a much wanted feature that would lift up redmine to become similar to thise kanban-like system like trello, kanbanize, targetprocess and so on.

What those system are good at is to provide the "kanban board" column view of issues.

if we just implement this feature with a flexible multi-column/grid layout, you have basically got a very powerfull and flexible board anybody can share.

This would make also several scrum/kanban redmine plugins redundant and obsolete. Users would not need to feel the need to move to other modern kanban systems.

Actions #59

Updated by Youssoupha Sambe about 10 years ago

This feature is vital for Redmine, for it just increase rentability of the application.

The only available plugin for this is not "complete" as it just allow query editing.

Furthermore there is no point, I think, having a table and not be able to sort it and/or edit the columns using the UI.

Personally I need it to allow users to see the issues that are assigned to them with due date, and I need the widget to be editable like the table in issue tab.

Actions #60

Updated by Olivier Houdas almost 10 years ago

People in our company also request me (their Redmine admin) to be able to use their own filter as a Mypage component.

Actions #61

Updated by Matthew Seng almost 10 years ago

Will be a great feature to have.

Actions #62

Updated by jean forichon almost 10 years ago

Yes we need that!

Actions #63

Updated by Jens Krämer over 9 years ago


we just built that here at Planio, and we'd really like to see this make its way into Redmine Core.

This patch enables users to add any number of custom queries to their 'My page'. For the sake of consistency the number of issues shown for each query is limited to 10, as is the case with the pre-defined issue blocks. Going further and to make this even more useful, it would be nice to have a way to give users the ability to change this limit either globally or per block.

Attached you find patches for current master and 2.6-stable branch.


Actions #64

Updated by Jan from Planio over 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jean-Baptiste Barth

Jean-Baptiste, are you still looking for "committable" patches? This one is a bit lengthy, but in my opinion it's a great improvement for the My Page section and telling by the +1's here on and from our clients at Planio, I think it would be well received.

Actions #65

Updated by Tobias Fischer over 9 years ago

Awesome, thank you Jens! :)

I did basic tests with latest 2.6 branch and can confirm the 2.6_patch works well!

Would be great if we could have this implemented in the next redmine version...

Actions #66

Updated by Le Distordu over 9 years ago

+1 High priority !!!

Actions #67

Updated by Chet Wang over 9 years ago

I'm using redmine 3.0.1, but this feature is still missing....
Jens Priesen Krämer
Is your patch available to redmine v3? or could you please provide an v3 compatible patch?

Actions #68

Updated by Chet Wang over 9 years ago

Could someone re-assign this issue to Jean-Philippe Lang? It seems that Jean-Baptiste Barth hasn't been logging in for months!

Actions #69

Updated by Rupesh J over 9 years ago

@Chet and others, This may be interesting for you guys..
Redmine My Page Plugin

Actions #70

Updated by Chet Wang over 9 years ago

Rupesh J wrote:

@Chet and others, This may be interesting for you guys..
Redmine My Page Plugin

This is great! I suggest you register it into redmine plugin repository. I will give you 5 stars!

Actions #71

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Feature #9479: Add a custom filtered issues block to 'My page' added
Actions #72

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

Actions #73

Updated by Jean Louis over 8 years ago


Actions #74

Updated by Sergey Startsev over 8 years ago


Actions #75

Updated by Rupesh J over 8 years ago

Chet Wang wrote:

This is great! I suggest you register it into redmine plugin repository. I will give you 5 stars!

Its already registered :

Actions #76

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

I made a patch that implements a new block which returns the issues from a selected query. For consistency with the other issue blocks, I chose to limit the results to 10 and use the same columns. I think that customising the number of results and the columns displayed should be made in other ticket and should be available for all issue blocks.

Actions #77

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

These are screenshots of Marius BALTEANU's patch attached on #1565#note-76.

Actions #78

Updated by Go MAEDA over 7 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Jean-Baptiste Barth)
  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 3.4.0

Many users have been waiting for this feature (40 "+1"s, 13 duplicate issues).
Setting target version to 3.4.0.

Actions #79

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 7 years ago

Thanks for the patch Marius. I think it would make sense to render the query with its column (instead of the default one used for other lists on "my page"), what do you think?

Actions #80

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

It'll be great to render the query with its column. That means we should use the list partial instead of the list_simple or to modify the list_simple to support custom columns. Another benefit of list partial is the grouping feature.

Please let me know which solution sounds better for you.

Actions #81

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 7 years ago

I've just made a few changes to the "list" partial in order to use local variables, we should be able to use it.

Actions #82

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll update the patch.

Actions #83

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

Here it is the updated patch. Issues are now rendered using the "list" partial with these features: custom columns, sorting and grouping.

The number of issues displayed are still limited to 10. We should change this too and make it configurable in the block?

Actions #84

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
  • Resolution set to Fixed
Thanks Marius, I've reworked the patch a bit after I made more changes to the management of "My page". I've also implemented the possibility for some blocks to be displayed multiple times, with different settings. So it's now possible:
  • to select the columns and sort order of existing issue lists (assigned, reported and watched issues)
  • to display up to 3 custom queries

I think we can close it.

Actions #85

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 7 years ago

Thanks Jean-Philippe Lang! I tested all of your changes regarding "My page" and they looks very good. I'm impressed :)

I have only one small observation, it is ok to let the user to add the same custom query multiple times?

Also, I'm thinking now that could be quite useful to add two new options for each block:
- refresh the block: for users who want to refresh only one block from my page
- full screen: for users who want to view a block on full screen.
For both of them I'll open a new issue when I've the patches ready.

Actions #86

Updated by Martin Blom about 7 years ago

Why only 3 custom queries?

Actions #87

Updated by Martin von Wittich about 7 years ago

I just stumbled over that 3 custom query limit too. I would very much like to use more queries :(

Actions #88

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago

Martin von Wittich wrote:

I just stumbled over that 3 custom query limit too. I would very much like to use more queries :(

Please create new feature issue because this issue is closed.

Actions #89

Updated by Go MAEDA almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Defect #23574: Issue subjects are truncated at 60 characters on my page added
Actions #90

Updated by Igor Rybak almost 7 years ago

Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:

Martin von Wittich wrote:

I just stumbled over that 3 custom query limit too. I would very much like to use more queries :(

Please create new feature issue because this issue is closed.


Actions #91

Updated by Marcello Lussana almost 7 years ago

I still do not understand: is it possible to edit the list of queries of the "My page block" dropdown menu?
If yes, how can that be done?


Actions #92

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 7 years ago

Marcello Lussana wrote:

I still do not understand: is it possible to edit the list of queries of the "My page block" dropdown menu?
If yes, how can that be done?

Please use forum for question.
This issue is closed.

Actions #93

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU almost 6 years ago

Actions #94

Updated by Go MAEDA over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #2920: filter issues assigned to me by project added
Actions #95

Updated by Go MAEDA over 4 years ago

  • Related to Feature #9314: Filtering query with statement condition not mantain sort criteria added

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