Feature #6975
Autocalculate the issue done ratio only for certain issue status
Added by Pedro Calvo about 14 years ago.
Updated about 9 years ago.
Though we need to use the % done field in Redmine, there is no reason not to have it work automatically for certain statuses. For example a "New" issue could be set automatically to 0% and a "Resolved" issue could be set to 100% done. The user could always change pertentages if needed...
Moreover, that would be an excellent way of avoiding 0%-closed issues.
Maybe the Issue Done Ratio Both plugin (provides a base to extend it to) fit your specific need. It might be worth looking at it...
This feature was implemented in r3151.
Isn't it what you need?
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
This feature was implemented in r3151.
Isn't it what you need?
Mischa The Evil is right: I was talking about the same functionality provided by the Issue Done Ratio Both plugin
Issue Done Ratio Both wrote:
Normally, an Issue can either have a "Done %" field that you
set manually, or it can be set automatically by certain issue
statuses (closed, etc). But not both.
We want people to be able to set their "% Done" themselves while
they work (if they want), but when they close the ticket,
it should be marked 100% done.
This provides another option in Settings > Issue Tracking for
allowing both types.
The "% Done" for an issue will only be automatically updated if
you set it to a status for which you have specified a default
"% Done" value. (Meaning you can leave it nil and it shouldn't
Since the plugin mentioned above does not seem to exist any more, I built a new one
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