Feature #8761
closedMy page - Spent time section only display 7 days, make it a parameter
Sorry for my english I am from Québec native language french
This feature would be easy to add.
In My Page if I personnalize my page by hadding the spent time option
only 7 days are shown.(sorry in french)
Temps passé (les 7 derniers jours)
Total: 22.21
Activité Projet Commentaire Heures
Here in my shop we do the time sheet every 2 weeks (14 days).
Could we had a parameter in the configuration section of redmine to select the number of days that could be shown in that report.
We could have general parameter in the administration configuration section
let said
Default days "time spent" report 7 day(s)
And event better could it be set by user in the my account section. (note the general one would suffice for us)
for exemple by adding a parameter
User default days "time spent" report (default) day(s)
Where (default) means to use the general one from the admin section
So in the code for the report if the user one is not default we use that one and if it is default we use the general one
here an exemple of my page (sorry in french)
Temps passé (les 7 derniers jours)
Total: 22.21
Activité Projet Commentaire Heures
so if i set my User default days "time spent" report to 14 (or the general one)
I would have see (in bold)
Temps passé (les 14 derniers jours)
Total: 22.21
Activité Projet Commentaire Heures
and list 14 days in the report
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