Defect #9080
openShared versions not shown when upload a file
When trying to upload a file in a subproject with inherited versions, combo box not show inherited versions to associate file uploading.
This issue can be reproduced in all versions, including 1.2.0.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago
- Category set to Documents
- Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
Looking at source:/tags/1.2.1/app/controllers/files_controller.rb#L23:
should be :
Updated by Alexey Demakov over 13 years ago
It's not so easy. After applying suggested patch I was able to upload file, but didn't see it in list.
I updated L36 from
@containers += @project.versions.find(:all, :include => :attachments, :order => sort_clause).sort.reverse
@containers += @project.shared_versions.find(:all, :include => :attachments, :order => sort_clause).sort.reverse
and now I see all files attached to shared version in all projects that share this version!
I.e. Root project and subproject both have the same list of files for shared version,
however some of these files were uploaded in root project and some - in subproject.
In database, each attachment has container. When versions were not shared there was one-to-one
correspondence between versions and projects and files were listed only in one project.
If version is shared there is no way to determine a project in which file was uploaded
and all files are listed in all projects that share this version.
And I don't see a way to fix this bug without changing of database structure.
Updated by B D over 11 years ago
I can confirm that this issue is still exists in 2.3.0.stable.11727 and it's a little annoying that i can share versions but i can't use them properly.
Updated by Gareth Sylvester-Bradley over 10 years ago
Shared versions are much less useful for me if I can't use the versions of a project for Files in its subprojects as well as for Issues in those subprojects.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Category changed from Documents to Roadmap
Updated by Go MAEDA almost 10 years ago
- Has duplicate Defect #5212: New files page doesn't get shared versions added