Feature #950
closedImport Issues from delimited/CSV file
I agree with this thread. It would be very useful to be able to import issues* from external files. This would allow for pre-planned work items to be created in other tools such as a spreadsheet or other project planning tool and imported. This would also allow us a work-around for the inability to "Copy" projects as templates for re-use.
*(we work with tasks, and so the name "Issues" only applies to a small subset of work that is tracked).
Related issues
Updated by Mark P almost 17 years ago
I originally posted this in the forums, but I will post it here as well. Seems to make more sense keeping it with the feature request. I would like the same functionality. If someone at Redmine could help me get started with data structure, I would be interested in contributing some effort for this. I am a newbie to Redmine, but I really like the product so far and would be willing to help.
Updated by Mark P almost 17 years ago
Any interest in my helping with this? At this time, my approach was to use a csv to Trac python script. Then use the Trac import program within Redmine to get the data the rest of the way into Redmine. I would much prefer to have a direct flight rather than a layover in Trac. I have been really happy with Redmine so far, and would be happy to give back by assisting with this in any way I can.
Updated by John Z almost 17 years ago
Personally I'd love to see a direct import option and for you to work on it. I could test it for you and maybe create an Excel template for people to match for importing. But being on the PM side of things, I'm not a coder. Wish I could contribute more directly though.
Updated by Vianney Stroebel about 16 years ago
This feature would be so useful!
We often start a project with a hundred tasks and it's much easier to create them in a spreadsheet than in Redmine.
Is anyone working on it?
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago
John Z wrote:
This would also allow us a work-around for the inability to "Copy" projects as templates for re-use.
Project copy (with issues) is now available.
Updated by Michael Ivanov about 15 years ago
Without this feature implemented we’re importing hundreds of issues from Excel to Redmine by hand.
Updated by Pete P almost 15 years ago
Having this feature really expands the capability of Redmine. I would be able to import whatever I wanted into the issue database. Unfortunately, the importer plugin doesn't work with the latest version of Redmine.
Updated by Robert Chady almost 15 years ago
What happens to the importer plugin with the latest version of Redmine? I haven't seen any issues raised against it, so I'm not sure what other issues there are other than the ones that make it marked 'unsupported' at the moment.
Updated by Pete P almost 15 years ago
Was using the wrong version of the importer. Switched to yours and it worked. Thanks!
Updated by Se Ri almost 15 years ago
Hey Robert Chady,
I used your importer with redmine 0.9.4. I keeps getting this error:
"Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance."
Thinking about utf-8 encoding, I have used tools to convert csv file to utf-8, but same error. I know this is not listed as compatible with redmine 0.9.x, but just ask if you have any fixes.
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Updated by ha thach almost 15 years ago
try this one, dude. It is called redmine_loader http://github.com/simonstearn/redmine_loader, Supports XML files output by MS Project etc and does a simple load into a default tracker for the selected project. Work with 0.9.3
Updated by Se Ri almost 15 years ago
great, thanks for your quick reply, ha thach. i'll try it.
btw, any plugins for exporting to ms project file ?
Updated by Se Ri almost 15 years ago
Hey ha thach,
I tried that plugin. I faced error with priority is blank in my file, so not yet successful (MS Project uses priority as number, while I use my own priority values as High/Normal/Low). But I think it's not exactly what I want, cause I need to import issues and related custom fields, not MS project fields. And currently, I have those issues in Excel file.
Anyways, thanks for your info. I might need that when I start to import tasks.
Any other options for me ?
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Import Issues from delimited file to Import Issues from delimited/CSV file
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version set to 3.2.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
Feature added in r14493.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #7884: Import issues from Excel or CSV file added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago
- Related to Defect #20551: Typo "coma" (correct: "comma") added
Updated by Hassan Assalih about 9 years ago
Jean, could you please provide an estimated date to release version 3.2.0 with this feature. I am sure many many people will thank you. So big thanks :)
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 9 years ago
I think that 3.2.0 will be released by the end of the next week.
Updated by Martin P. about 9 years ago
For anybody searching for this feature:
Per default, only admin role users see the import link. You can activate this for more roles under:
Then you will find the Link in the ticket category/tab (/issues/) in the menu list as the last menu point or via the adress in the url:
Hope this helps one or two.. ;)
Updated by Frank Zebre almost 9 years ago
M P wrote:
For anybody searching for this feature:
Per default, only admin role users see the import link. You can activate this for more roles under:
https://your-redmine-url.xyz/roles/permissionsThen you will find the Link in the ticket category/tab (/issues/) in the menu list as the last menu point or via the adress in the url:
https://your-redmine-url.xyz/issues/imports/newHope this helps one or two.. ;)
Is it possible you can post a picture of where this is? I can see the option under permissions and have enabled it but cannot for the life of me find an import button...
Updated by Robert Schneider almost 9 years ago
@FrankZebre: In version 3.2.0 go to a Project, go to Issues and then it is in the sidebar on the right side.
There are the links
View all issues
Updated by Frank Zebre almost 9 years ago
@RobertSchneider: Hmmm I guess I must have a plugin installed that is getting rid of it. Even when I try to browse to redmine/projects/tickets/issues/imports (or with /new) as suggested by Виталий Виталий above I get a Page Not Found.
Updated by Frank Zebre almost 9 years ago
Frank Zebre wrote:
@RobertSchneider: Hmmm I guess I must have a plugin installed that is getting rid of it. Even when I try to browse to redmine/projects/tickets/issues/imports (or with /new) as suggested by Виталий Виталий above I get a Page Not Found.
Oops I made a mistake! I had to browse to redmine/issues/imports/new (leaving out the projects/tickets) portion. The button is still missing from the sidebar but my guess is the Agile plugin I have installed for evaluation has removed that section of the side bar.
Updated by Robert Schneider almost 9 years ago
@FrankZebre: Note sure - if you have Agile plugin of RedmineCRM the link is also there. Have a look into the demo: http://demo.redminecrm.com/projects/agile/issues
Updated by shuozhi fenxi almost 9 years ago
Frank Zebre wrote:
Frank Zebre wrote:
@RobertSchneider: Hmmm I guess I must have a plugin installed that is getting rid of it. Even when I try to browse to redmine/projects/tickets/issues/imports (or with /new) as suggested by Виталий Виталий above I get a Page Not Found.
Oops I made a mistake! I had to browse to redmine/issues/imports/new (leaving out the projects/tickets) portion. The button is still missing from the sidebar but my guess is the Agile plugin I have installed for evaluation has removed that section of the side bar.
I found what plugin remove the import link.
I my case it is redmine_sidebar_toc_pt.
I think in your case maybe something similar overwrites your issue sidebar. You can check the file app/views/issues/_sidebar.html.erb to find which call_hook is there.
Updated by Alfredo Bonilla over 8 years ago
Is there any kind of documentation about the import process included in 3.2? I've been searching in the wiki and.. I dindn't find anything
Updated by Joel Bearden over 8 years ago
Alfredo Bonilla wrote:
Is there any kind of documentation about the import process included in 3.2? I've been searching in the wiki and.. I dindn't find anything
Second this request. This would be a tremendous help, but there is no documentation on scheme, headers, etc.
Updated by Moritz Who Cares over 8 years ago
I just added a minimal HowTo. Feel free to extend and/or fix: HowTo_import_issues
Updated by Pablo Estiga about 8 years ago
Moritz Who Cares wrote:
I just added a minimal HowTo. Feel free to extend and/or fix: HowTo_import_issues
Thanks you all for working on this feature, I have extened a little the wiki HowTo_import_issues after done some tests.
Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago
Moritz Who Cares and Pablo Estiga, thank you for writing the detailed document!
Updated by Mayur Gaikwad almost 6 years ago
Just a quick question, how do we use files option with import functionality
I'm able to import issues in bulk but many of the issues have some attachments too that needs to be included.
Please help!