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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
35762 Redmine Feature New Add an optional, explicit Project#start_date and Project#due_date to projects 2021-08-14 12:01 Projects Actions
35761 Redmine Feature New Display Project#start_date and Project#due_date on project show view 2021-08-14 12:01 Projects Actions
35760 Redmine Feature New Add a fallback-mechanism to Version#due_date similar to Version#start_date 2021-08-14 11:52 Roadmap Actions
35750 Redmine Feature New Export "version" information with custom fields 2021-08-12 18:10 Custom fields Actions
35749 Redmine Feature New Call Redmine::Hook.call_hook(:model_changeset_scan_commit_for_issue_ids_pre_issue_update) not only in case of a fixed issue with 'fixes' keyword 2021-08-12 09:42 Actions
35734 Redmine Defect New Comments are not shown correctly in Outlookmails when using nummeration where PRE-Blocks are included 2024-03-12 16:37 Issues Actions
35732 Redmine Defect New Clean up and reorder Redmine Wiki 2024-02-06 16:37 Website ( Actions
35726 Redmine Defect Confirmed Time Formatting does not apply to CSV exports 2024-11-03 19:53 Time tracking Actions
35680 Redmine Defect New Error while using local hashes gitlab-repository 2021-08-04 09:40 SCM Actions
35679 Redmine Feature New Ignore text email parts only stating that the email should be viewed as HTML 2021-08-03 22:14 Email receiving Actions
35676 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Optimize performance of syntax highlighting implementation 2024-03-21 18:05 Performance Actions
35674 Redmine Patch New Several improvements (with fixes of inconsistencies) for the issues show view 2021-08-22 05:17 UI Actions
35670 Redmine Defect New Graphs in the Issues Report details are too large. 2021-08-03 01:04 Issues planning Actions
35667 Redmine Feature New Consider generalization of My page block mechanism for use on the Issues Reports view 2021-08-02 18:08 Issues planning Actions
35666 Redmine Defect New Review incorrect usage of Setting.display_subprojects_issues 2021-08-02 15:42 Issues Actions
35664 Redmine Defect New Inconsistencies in rendering of subproject data on Issues Reports 2021-08-02 15:26 Issues planning Actions
35663 Redmine Feature New Access custom fields in project specific activities via Redmine API 2021-08-02 15:26 REST API Actions
35657 Redmine Feature New Spent time ratio column and filter 2021-09-05 22:56 Issues Actions
35647 Redmine Feature New Allow the user to properly override Setting.display_subprojects_issues on Issue Reports if a project has subprojects 2021-08-03 02:31 Issues planning Actions
35645 Redmine Feature New Request for reconsideration of removal of 'View all issues' link 2022-01-18 08:50 UI Actions
35640 Redmine Feature New select / deselect watchers with one click when I copy a single issue 2021-07-30 02:32 Issues Actions
35626 Redmine Feature New Prevent close project 2021-07-28 16:03 Projects Actions
35616 Redmine Feature New Remove "Delete" from the context menu for related issues 2021-07-27 21:00 UI Actions
35570 Redmine Feature New Dynamically adjustable template options 2021-07-16 09:42 Themes Actions
35566 Redmine Feature New option to display thumbnails above file list in Documents 2021-07-15 02:51 Attachments Actions
(501-525/4772) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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