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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
32191 Redmine Defect New Duplicate associated revisions when using multiple repositories for a project 2019-10-07 19:28 SCM Actions
32183 Redmine Defect New Notification sub-events for "Issue updated" does not cover all events which consist its parent 2019-11-04 03:53 Email notifications Actions
32181 Redmine Feature New Auto Status Change from New to In Progress 2019-10-02 11:08 Issues workflow Actions
32178 Redmine Feature New Conditioned Custom Fields 2025-02-13 10:39 Custom fields Actions
32168 Redmine Defect New Allow issue id with "#" prefix for the value of issue ids filter 2019-10-02 08:26 Issues filter Actions
32167 Redmine Defect New Inconsistent border coloring of UI elements? 2019-09-28 18:17 UI Actions
32166 Redmine Patch New Rounded corners on table.gantt-table 2019-10-03 14:45 UI Actions
32162 Redmine Patch New Improved progress bars for issues and versions 2019-09-28 13:41 UI Actions
32155 Redmine Patch New Fix the overflow problems in project jump 2019-09-26 18:12 UI Actions
32154 Redmine Defect New Value of custom fields will not be copied when copy project with issues included 2019-09-26 17:29 Administration Actions
32149 Redmine Defect New Project copy failed to copy Issues if Category is set to required: Project#copy_issues: issue #xxx could not be copied: ["Category cannot be blank"] 2019-09-26 14:12 Administration Actions
32142 Redmine Patch New Send notification when a user is created via LDAP on-the-fly user creation 2019-09-26 02:39 Email notifications Actions
32132 Redmine Patch New Replace gantt primitives with CSS generated vector primitives 2019-09-26 06:55 UI Actions
32115 Redmine Patch New Move search bar and project selector to the top bar 2019-09-23 05:52 UI Actions
32114 Redmine Patch New Give project list cards the same background like grid cells in many other views 2019-09-23 01:35 UI Actions
32109 Redmine Patch New Obey sub-task sharing settings on new issue creation 2021-11-24 23:37 Issues Actions
32108 Redmine Feature New Option in core or plugin which convert file from MS Excel or LibreOffice to redmine table 2019-09-22 01:43 Plugin Request Actions
32107 Redmine Defect New Stuck tool-tips on My page when attempting to reposition widgets 2019-09-22 00:55 UI Actions
32106 Redmine Patch New Slightly restyled ajax loading indicator 2019-09-27 17:19 UI Actions
32105 Redmine Patch New Context menu to match the rest of the flyout styling 2019-09-26 17:25 UI Actions
32100 Redmine Patch New Fixed and added roundiness to the "plus" (+) flyout menu and it's child elements 2019-09-26 17:31 UI Actions
32099 Redmine Patch New Fix inconsistent gap sizes on My page 2019-09-23 06:21 UI Actions
32086 Redmine Feature New How can i generate ticket through particular sender ID 2019-09-18 09:53 Email receiving Actions
32085 Redmine Feature New Allow newline as a separator in "Allowed extensions", "Disallowed extensions", "Exclude attachments by name" field in Administration 2022-03-21 21:08 Administration Actions
32080 Redmine Feature New Merge as much stylesheets as possible into one file to decrease http requests 2019-09-18 20:15 UI Actions
(801-825/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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