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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
24513 Redmine Feature New Search result - show custom field and values in search result 2016-12-01 15:03 Search engine Actions
24506 Redmine Defect Needs feedback On changing many issues to project with custom required fields, fields doesn't show, transfer doesn't work 2017-02-16 05:33 Custom fields Actions
24503 Redmine Defect New IMAP fetch ignores ssl switch 2016-11-30 17:48 Email receiving Actions
24490 Redmine Feature New Make subtask list collapsible when viewing 2019-12-11 10:31 Issues Actions
24484 Redmine Defect New Wrong order of rows with empty custom fields 2016-11-29 09:43 Custom fields Actions
24477 Redmine Feature New CSV export feature for thousand of issues 2016-11-28 19:50 Actions
24473 Redmine Defect New CSV Export Very slow for issues with lots of Custom Fields 2017-11-04 07:01 Performance Actions
24469 Redmine Feature Needs feedback In the Gantt chart I'd like to add a new row function sequentially same as a ticket tab by order 2017-11-30 02:25 Gantt Actions
24446 Redmine Patch New Call `view_issues_timelog_form_bottom` hook 2016-11-24 11:24 Hook requests Actions
24442 Redmine Defect New When exporting Wiki to PDF, monospaced fonts are not rendered correctly in PDF 2016-11-24 08:36 PDF export Actions
24435 Redmine Patch New Add `view_account_contextual` and `view_account_list_buttons` hooks 2016-11-23 15:25 Hook requests Actions
24434 Redmine Patch New Link Redmine Issues to Mercurial Branch name 2016-11-23 05:37 SCM Actions
24426 Redmine Defect New sqlserver2014:chang issues parentId success but view is wrong 2016-11-24 07:47 Actions
24399 Redmine Feature New Enhance referencing and fixing issue in commit message (e.g. no space between words) 2016-11-24 14:43 SCM Actions
24383 Redmine Feature New REST API for time entries does should support updated_on filter 2016-11-16 14:34 REST API Actions
24381 Redmine Feature New Better means to pull issue relations on Rest API 2016-11-16 10:58 REST API Actions
24346 Redmine Feature New My page - Spent time: add predefined parameter "This week" 2017-01-20 10:31 My page Actions
24345 Redmine Feature New Reload issue detail view on modification by other user 2016-11-14 11:05 Issues Actions
24331 Redmine Feature New Replace "Issues" with the tracker name on each project when there is only one 2016-11-21 16:34 Issues Actions
24323 Redmine Patch New Improve exceptions handling 2016-11-11 11:06 REST API Actions
24303 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Not able to move few issues to another project 2016-11-16 14:29 Issues Actions
24299 Redmine Feature New Reflect project membership changes in Activity history 2016-11-24 17:14 Accounts / authentication Actions
24285 Redmine Feature New Defect Density with respect to severity 2016-11-07 13:24 Plugin Request Actions
24282 Redmine Feature New Add inheritance of the class from the parent projects 2016-11-24 16:39 UI Actions
24277 Redmine Feature New Introducing Remaining Time field as method to track the remaining time to complete an issue 2024-10-28 21:38 Issues planning Actions
(1426-1450/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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