


Plugins Directory » Advanced checklists

Author: Roman Petrenko
Code repository:
Registered on: 2023-12-10 (7 months ago)
Current version: 2.1.3
Compatible with: Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x
User ratings:   (30)

Advanced Checklists


  • Assign every checklist item to different user
  • Unlimited checklist items
  • Changing the order of items
  • Deadline for every item
  • Changes history
  • Checklist templates
  • Commenting on checklist items
  • Attach files to checklist or checklist items
  • Import from text files
  • Search
  • Automatically add checklists when you move to a specific status

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Installation notes

  1. Copy the redmine_advanced_checklists plugin folder to the plugins/ folder. The current version does not support operation if redmine is installed in a subdirectory (for example /). It is necessary that redmine is installed at the root (for example / or on a separate port /).
  2. Run migrations in redmine root folder.
    bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production NAME=redmine_advanced_checklists
  3. Stop and start Redmine
    sudo/etc/init.d/apache2 stop && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
  4. In some redmine installations (for example, when working in docker), it is important to stop and start the redmine server, and not restart it. Sometimes the checklists are not displayed when restarting.


2.1.3 (2023-10-24)

Compatible with Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x.

User ratings

  by Laura Romano 9 days ago

Advanced Checklists è eccellente! Assegnazione semplice, elementi illimitati e monitoraggio delle scadenze.

  by Miguel Costa 16 days ago

Advanced Checklists é muito útil! Atribuição fácil, itens ilimitados e controle de prazos.

  by Sophie Laurent about 1 month ago

J'aime beaucoup Advanced Checklists ! Simple d'attribuer des tâches, éléments illimités et suivi des délais.

  by Anna Meier about 1 month ago

Advanced Checklists ist unglaublich nützlich! Einfache Aufgabenverteilung, unbegrenzte Elemente und Fristenverfolgung.

  by John Smith about 2 months ago

Advanced Checklists makes task management simple! Easy assignment, unlimited items, and deadline tracking are fantastic.

  by Marco Bianchi about 2 months ago

Assegnare compiti ai membri del team è semplice, e la possibilità di impostare scadenze garantisce una realizzazione tempestiva.

  by Camille Martin 2 months ago

Atribuir tarefas aos membros da equipe é fácil, e a capacidade de definir prazos garante conclusões oportunas.

  by Martin Camille 3 months ago

L'attribution des tâches aux membres de l'équipe est simple, et la possibilité de fixer des délais garantit une réalisation dans les temps.

  by Lukas Wagner 3 months ago

Advanced Checklists ist ein Produktivitätswunder! Aufgabenzuweisung an Teammitglieder ist mühelos, und die Möglichkeit, Fristen festzulegen, garantiert rechtzeitige Erledigung. Gut gemacht!

  by Samuel FUCHS 3 months ago

Good plugin.

But it does not take suburi, so I needed to edit all the path for the links, the code, and the assets.

  by Emily Clark 4 months ago

Advanced Checklists is a productivity booster! Assigning tasks to team members is effortless, and the ability to set deadlines ensures timely completion. Kudos!

  by Alessandro Russo 4 months ago

Con Advanced Checklists, gestire le attività è un gioco da ragazzi! Assegnare compiti e monitorare le scadenze è facile e intuitivo. Ottimo lavoro!

  by Sofia Santos 4 months ago

Com Advanced Checklists, organização é garantida! Atribuir tarefas é fácil, e os prazos garantem que nada seja esquecido. Excelente ferramenta!

  by Thomas Dupont 4 months ago

Grâce à Advanced Checklists, ma productivité a explosé ! L'attribution des tâches est intuitive, et les délais m'assurent une gestion efficace de mes projets.

  by Sofia Rodriguez 4 months ago

With Advanced Checklists, I always have an overview! Simple task allocation and the ability to set deadlines keep me efficient. Thank you!

  by Michael Brown 4 months ago

Advanced Checklists has streamlined my workflow! Assigning tasks is a breeze, and the ability to track deadlines ensures nothing falls through the cracks. Bravo!

  by Luca Bianchi 5 months ago

Advanced Checklists è una svolta! Assegnazione facile, elementi illimitati e scadenze mi tengono organizzato. Altamente raccomandato!

  by Ana Costa 5 months ago

Advanced Checklists é revolucionário! Atribuição fácil, itens ilimitados e prazos mantêm-me organizado. Altamente recomendado!

  by Laura Becker 5 months ago

Advanced Checklists ist ein Durchbruch! Einfache Aufgabenzuweisung, unbegrenzte Elemente und Fristen halten mich organisiert. Sehr empfehlenswert!

  by Michael Taylor 5 months ago

Advanced Checklists is a game-changer! Easy task assignment, unlimited items, and deadlines keep me organized. Highly recommended!

  by Sofia Ferrari 5 months ago

Fantastico Advanced Checklists! Assegnazione facile, elementi illimitati, scadenze e modelli rendono tutto semplice. Facile da usare!

  by Pedro Santos 5 months ago

Adoro Advanced Checklists! Atribuição fácil, itens ilimitados, prazos e modelos tornam tudo simples. Muito user-friendly!

  by Camille Lefevre 5 months ago

J'adore Advanced Checklists ! Assignation facile, éléments illimités, délais et modèles rendent tout simple. Super convivial !

  by Thomas Wagner 5 months ago

Super zufrieden mit Advanced Checklists! Einfache Aufgabenzuweisung, unbegrenzte Elemente, Fristen und Templates machen alles mühelos. Top-Plugin!

  by Emily Brown 5 months ago

Advanced Checklists is a lifesaver! Seamless task assignment, unlimited items, and deadlines keep me on track. Templates and file attachments are a bonus. Super user-friendly!

  by Rossi Marco 5 months ago

Il plugin Advanced Checklists ha rivoluzionato la mia gestione delle attività. La possibilità di assegnare ogni elemento della checklist a un utente diverso è un elemento rivoluzionario. Gli elementi della checklist illimitati e l'ordine personalizzabile

  by Maria Silva 5 months ago

O plugin Advanced Checklists revolucionou a minha gestão de tarefas. A capacidade de atribuir cada item da checklist a um usuário diferente é inovadora. Os itens de checklist ilimitados e a ordem personalizável tornam-no incrivelmente flexível. Os prazos

  by Pierre Dubois 5 months ago

Le plugin Advanced Checklists a révolutionné ma gestion des tâches. La possibilité d'attribuer chaque élément de la checklist à un utilisateur différent est une vraie innovation. Les éléments de la checklist illimités et l'ordre personnalisable le renden

  by Anna Müller 6 months ago

Mit dem Advanced Checklists-Plugin behalte ich stets den Überblick über meine Aufgaben. Die Möglichkeit, jedes Checklistenelement einem anderen Benutzer zuzuweisen, ist besonders praktisch. Die unbegrenzte Anzahl von Checklistenelementen und die Möglichk

  by Giorg Minook 6 months ago

The Advanced Checklists plugin has revolutionized my task management. The ability to assign each checklist item to a different user is a game-changer. The unlimited checklist items and customizable order make it incredibly flexible. The deadlines for eac