


Plugins Directory » Kanban (Agile) board

Author: Roman Petrenko
Code repository:
Registered on: 2022-10-23 (over 1 year ago)
Current version: 2.2.0
Compatible with: Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x
User ratings:   (39)

Powerful Kanban board.

Key features:

  • Detail view of issue on a modal board
  • Quick filters
  • Task blocking
  • Changing the status on the board
  • Subcolumns
  • Board saving
  • Swimlanes
  • WIP limits
  • Custom colums

Find out more on our website
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Installation notes

  1. Copy the redmine_kanban plugin folder to the plugins/ folder. The current version does not support operation if redmine is installed in a subdirectory (for example /). It is necessary that redmine is installed at the root (for example / or on a separate port /).
  2. Run migrations in redmine root folder.
    bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production NAME=redmine_kanban
  3. Stop and start Redmine.
    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
  4. In some redmine installations (for example, when working in docker), it is important to stop and start the redmine server, and not restart it. Sometimes, when restarting, the boards are not displayed.


2.2.0 (2023-11-30)

Compatible with Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x.

  • improve quick filters
  • swimlanes

1.2.0 (2022-12-19)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • partially translations to many languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish and others)
  • improved appearance
  • improved filters on kanban board
  • added display of related tasks and subtasks on the board
  • added display of custom fields on kanban board

1.1.3 (2022-10-23)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

User ratings

  by Laura Romano 9 days ago

Il plugin Kanban (Agile) board ha reso molto più facile il monitoraggio delle tappe del nostro progetto!

  by Miguel Costa 16 days ago

O plugin Kanban (Agile) board tornou o acompanhamento das etapas do nosso projeto muito mais fácil!

  by Joan Cervan 17 days ago

I think it's a lack of transparency in this plugin. The code repository is not a code repository:

"Code repository:"

The free version has not been upgraded to latest (is still 1.2)

  by Sophie Laurent about 1 month ago

Le plugin Kanban (Agile) board a grandement facilité le suivi des étapes de notre projet!

  by Anna Meier about 1 month ago

Das Kanban-Board-Plugin hat das Verfolgen unserer Projektmeilensteine erheblich erleichtert!

  by John Smith about 2 months ago

The Kanban board plugin made tracking our project milestones so much easier!

  by Marco Bianchi about 2 months ago

Il plugin Kanban board è intuitivo e facile da usare, rendendo la gestione delle attività efficace e semplice.

  by Camille Martin 2 months ago

Le plugin Kanban board est intuitif et convivial, ce qui rend la gestion efficace des tâches un jeu d'enfant.

  by Lukas Wagner 3 months ago

Das Kanban-Board-Plugin ist intuitiv und benutzerfreundlich, sodass das effektive Verwalten von Aufgaben zum Kinderspiel wird.

  by Samuel FUCHS 3 months ago

Good plugin.

But it does not take suburi, so I needed to edit all the path for the links, the code, and the assets.

  by Emily Clark 4 months ago

The Kanban board plugin is intuitive and user-friendly, making it a breeze to manage tasks effectively.

  by Alessandro Russo 4 months ago

Il plugin Kanban board ha aumentato la produttività del nostro team in modo incredibile!

  by Sofia Santos 4 months ago

Graças ao plugin Kanban board, aumentamos a produtividade da nossa equipe significativamente!

  by Thomas Dupont 4 months ago

Le plugin Kanban board a permis d'augmenter la productivité de notre équipe de manière spectaculaire!

  by Sofia Rodriguez 4 months ago

The Kanban board plugin is a gem! It has simplified our project tracking and made our work more organized. The visual representation of tasks is intuitive and helps us stay on top of our game. Highly recommended for teams aiming for efficient project man

  by Michael Brown 4 months ago

The Kanban board plugin increased our team's productivity tenfold!

  by Luca Bianchi 5 months ago

Il plugin Kanban (Agile) board è un salvavita! Ha portato ordine nel nostro caos e ha reso la gestione delle attività un gioco da ragazzi. Non riesco a immaginare di lavorare senza di esso. Applausi agli sviluppatori per aver creato uno strumento così fa

  by Ana Costa 5 months ago

O plugin Kanban (Agile) board foi um verdadeiro divisor de águas! Ele trouxe ordem ao nosso caos e facilitou muito a gestão de tarefas. Não consigo imaginar trabalhar sem ele. Parabéns aos desenvolvedores por criar uma ferramenta tão amigável e eficaz!

  by Olivier Martin 5 months ago

Le plugin Kanban (Agile) board est une révélation ! Il a apporté de l'ordre à notre gestion des tâches et a rendu la collaboration au sein de l'équipe plus fluide. Un outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui cherchent à optimiser leur gestion de projet de

  by Laura Becker 5 months ago

Das Kanban-Board-Plugin hat unsere Projektarbeit enorm erleichtert! Die visuelle Darstellung der Aufgaben ist sehr hilfreich, und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit macht die Nutzung zum Vergnügen. Ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für jedes agile Team!

  by Michael Taylor 5 months ago

The Kanban board plugin is a lifesaver! It brought order to our chaos and made task management a breeze. I can't imagine working without it. Kudos to the developers for creating such a user-friendly and effective tool!

  by Sofia Ferrari 5 months ago

Il plugin Kanban (Agile) board è fantastico! Ha semplificato notevolmente la nostra gestione dei progetti, rendendo le attività più trasparenti e migliorando la collaborazione del team. Altamente consigliato per gli amanti dell'agilità!

  by Pedro Santos 5 months ago

O plugin Kanban (Agile) board é incrível! Facilitou muito a nossa gestão de projetos, tornando as tarefas mais visíveis e melhorando a colaboração da equipe. Altamente recomendado para entusiastas de métodos ágeis!

  by Camille Lefevre 5 months ago

Le plugin Kanban (Agile) board a grandement simplifié notre gestion de projet. Il est intuitif, visuellement attrayant et a renforcé la collaboration au sein de l'équipe. Un incontournable pour les adeptes de la méthode agile!

  by Thomas Wagner 5 months ago

Das Kanban-Board-Plugin hat unsere Teamarbeit revolutioniert! Es ist benutzerfreundlich und hat die Transparenz unserer Aufgaben enorm verbessert. Sehr zu empfehlen für alle, die ihre agile Projektverwaltung optimieren möchten!

  by Emily Brown 5 months ago

Our team loves the Kanban board plugin! It's easy to use, visually appealing, and has significantly improved our workflow. This tool is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their project management experience.

  by Rossi Marco 5 months ago

Il plugin Kanban (Agile) board è stato una vera svolta per la nostra gestione dei progetti. Intuitivo e efficiente, ha reso le nostre attività più trasparenti e ha potenziato la collaborazione del team. Consigliato vivamente agli amanti dell'agilità!

  by Maria Silva 5 months ago

O plugin Kanban (Agile) board transformou nossa gestão de projetos. É fácil de usar e melhorou a comunicação da equipe. Altamente recomendado para quem busca uma abordagem ágil na organização de tarefas!

  by Pierre Dubois 5 months ago

Le plugin Kanban (Agile) board a considérablement amélioré notre gestion de projet. Il est intuitif et favorise la collaboration au sein de l'équipe. Une excellente option pour les adeptes de la méthode agile !

  by Anna Müller 6 months ago

Das Kanban-Board-Plugin hat unsere Arbeitsabläufe revolutioniert. Es ist benutzerfreundlich und hat die Kommunikation im Team verbessert. Eine großartige Ergänzung für effizientes Projektmanagement!

  by Giorg Minook 6 months ago

The Kanban board plugin is a game-changer! It streamlined our project management process, making tasks more transparent and boosting team collaboration. Highly recommended for agile enthusiasts!

  by Antonyo Margaretti over 1 year ago

We have been using it for 3 months now. Very convenient kanban board and checklists inside tasks. It is especially good that the design is very convenient.

  by Yasin Waller over 1 year ago

It is convenient that you can block tasks on which you cannot temporarily continue working. The board itself is also comfortable.

  by Jack Frederick over 1 year ago

We use this plugin in our fintech. It's cool that you can assign employees to individual checklist items.
It's definitely 5 stars

  by Samira Herman over 1 year ago

Excellent kanban board

  by Adam Cage over 1 year ago

Several of our contractors recommended it as a plugin with good checklists.
We migrated to it about a month ago and so far everything is fine

  by Anna Blanchet over 1 year ago

  by Roman Petrenko over 1 year ago

  by Black Zajaz over 1 year ago