


Plugins Directory » Context menu watchers

Author: Vitaly Klimov
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2011-08-31 (almost 13 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.3
Compatible with: Redmine 1.3.x
User ratings:   (0)

Context menu watchers

Plugin adds 'Watchers' submenu to issues' context menu allowing to perform various watchers' related operations on selected issues:

  • Watch - add current users as watcher to selected issues
  • Unwatch - remove current user from watchers of selected issues
  • Add watchers - select users and add them as watchers to selected issues
    Restrictions: Selected issues should belong to the same project and logged user should have 'Add watchers' permission
  • Delete watchers - select users and remove them from the list of watchers for the selected issues
    Restrictions: Selected issues should belong to the same project and logged user should have 'Delete watchers' permission


0.0.3 (2012-02-24)

Compatible with Redmine 1.3.x.

  • Compatibility with Redmine 1.3.x
  • Not compatible with Redmine versions prior to 1.3.x

0.0.2 (2011-08-31)

Compatible with Redmine 1.2.x. (12.9 KB) Version 0.0.2 Vitaly Klimov, 2011-08-31 17:34