


Plugins Directory » Redmine Equality Plan

Author: Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles
Code repository:
Registered on: 2020-09-24 (over 4 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.1
Compatible with: Redmine 4.1.x
User ratings:   (4)

With this plugin for Redmine, we want to put the first!! stone to promote equality in the companies that use this project management software.

And not only gender equality can be visualized with this plugin, you can also use to make visible inequalities of ethnicity, language, religion or color.

What it offers
  • Visualization of the total number of men and women in the organization
  • Statistical indicators by groups within the company.
  • Indicators by gender of training, leave or type of contract.
  • ... and more to come. Do you have something on your mind? Let's talk!

- Carlos Castellanos Manzaneque
- Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles

Thumbnail icon made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon">;/a>

Installation notes

Generate the configuration file:

cp config/configuration.yml.example config/configuration.yml

Generate the user patch:

cp lib/redmine_equality_plan/redmine_patch/user_custom_patch.rb.example lib/redmine_equality_plan/redmine_patch/user_custom_patch.rb

Execute the migrations:
rake redmine:plugins:migrate

Define custom values config/configuration.yml and custom methods (see example files)

Execute tasks:

rake gender:populate_user_gender
rake gender:populate_gender_stories

Access from the menu to Equality Plan (/equality_plans)


0.0.1 (2020-09-24)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x.

gender-equality.png (8.21 KB) gender-equality.png Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles, 2020-09-24 12:51

User ratings

  by n l over 4 years ago

Although it could be a useful addition because in my company are working much more women than men this plugin is pointless.
Companies already know their ratio.

  by Nikos Karavasilis over 4 years ago

  by Adrián Pradilla Pórtoles over 4 years ago

  by Carlos Castellanos Manzaneque over 4 years ago