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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)

My Page Queries

Add Saved Queries to "my page" in Redmine

By David Robinson


My Projects

My Projects is a simple plugin that displays your assigned projects on the home screen / landing page.

By Nick Peelman


My Projects

This plugin show "My Projects" with a mosaic view:

This plugin add a new menu called "My Projects".


Developed by "General de Software":


This plugin dis...

By Gonzalo Garcia Jaubert


My Roadmaps

A quick and dirty plugin that provides a global roadmaps view for all your projects.

This was initially a request for a coworker, and became a good excuse to hack a bit with Ruby, Rails and Redmine.

Tested against Redmine version 2.2.4, 2.3.4, 2....

By Stéphane Rondinaud




By Irena Mali


New Issue Alert List

This provides a quick and easy way to see who is notified of new issues via the "redmine_newissuealerts": plugin.

By Jason Butz


New Issue Alerts

Redmine NewIssueAlerts is a Redmine plugin that sends an email to specified email addresses when a new issue is logged

By chantra .


New Wiki Page Shortcut

This (tested with Redmine 2.2.3) adds a "New" link to every wiki page, making it simpler to create new wiki pages.

Look for the "New" button on any wiki page, just to the left of "Edit". To create a new wiki page, click on "New", type a name for the...

By Christopher Peplin


Niko-niko Calendar

Niko-niko Calendar (Niko-cale) plugin is a Redmine plugin that shows the mood of project members and the overall project on a daily basis. If you want to know more about Niko-niko Calendar, see the following page.

By Yuki Kita


Niko-niko Calendar plugin for Redmine 2.X

Niko-niko Calendar for Redmine 2.X

By Yoshiaki Nishi

