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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)


Test case management plugin for Redmine

  • Evgeny Anikiev
  • Maxim Novikov
  • David Robinson
  • Dmirty Rybakov
Community branches:

By Bugzinga Team



Reddrop is a plugin for Redmine that allows users of that service to sync their documents and files using Dropbox. Reddrop is a replacement for the files and documents tabs in Redmine and allows to browse a Dropbox's folder hierarchically.

By Alrick Deillon


Redexporter plugin

Allows you expose Redmine metrics to Prometheus.
support e-mail:

  • load_average_one_minute Load average for last minute.
  • disk_total_bytes Number of total bytes for the file system.
  • disk_used_bytes Number of used bytes for t...

By Team



A Redmine plugin for awesome campfire notifications. It allows configure notifications per project.

By Carlos Barbiero



Sorry but Redhopper is no longer maintained :( Feel free to fork it and maintain it or look for an alternative ;)

Kanban boards for Redmine, inspired by Jira Agile (formerly known as Greenhopper), but following its own path.

Licence AGPL.

By infoPiiaf SARL



RedJenkins is a plugin for Redmine that enhances Redmines capabilities by allowing test cases run by Jenkins to be included and assigned to issues.

By Peter Schüllermann


Redmin RubyCAS

A Plugin for Redmine 2 that utilizes the RubyCAS Client for CAS authentication.

By Brandon Aaron


Redmine 4 Cryptostocks

This plugin retrieves the ticker information of a security listed on

By A Eckert


Redmine Account Lockable

Redmine plugin for locking of account at failed login.


Set the count of allow failed logins in the setting of Redmine administrator.


By Minoru Maeda


Redmine Account Policy

Security Enhancements for User accounts
  • Password Complexity
  • Password Expiry
  • Password Reuse
  • Invalid Login Attempts
  • Unused/Dormant Accounts

By @ go2null

