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Receive IMAP emails anonymously (patch)

This plugin solves the problem that issues created from anonymous emails that are fetched via <pre>rake redmine:email:receive_imap</pre> do not save the email address. It adds the email address of anonymous mails to the issue description of a new issue.

By Arne-Kolja Bachstein


Recurring Tasks

Plugin for creating scheduled tasks from templates.

By Igor Olemskoi (Southbridge)


Recurring Tasks

Configure recurring tasks. Any task can be set to recur on a fixed (e.g. every Monday) or flexible (e.g. 2 days after task was last completed) schedule

By Teresa N


Red Counter

Red Counter plugin

Red Counter is a Redmine plugin for setting up issue-related counters.

Counters may be:

  • Time spent in a particular state (summing time from different states is also supported)
  • Counting occurrences of a state (e.g. h...

By Andrea Valle



Test case management plugin for Redmine

  • Evgeny Anikiev
  • Maxim Novikov
  • David Robinson
  • Dmirty Rybakov
Community branches:

By Bugzinga Team



Reddrop is a plugin for Redmine that allows users of that service to sync their documents and files using Dropbox. Reddrop is a replacement for the files and documents tabs in Redmine and allows to browse a Dropbox's folder hierarchically.

By Alrick Deillon


Redexporter plugin

Allows you expose Redmine metrics to Prometheus.
support e-mail:

  • load_average_one_minute Load average for last minute.
  • disk_total_bytes Number of total bytes for the file system.
  • disk_used_bytes Number of used bytes for t...

By Team



A Redmine plugin for awesome campfire notifications. It allows configure notifications per project.

By Carlos Barbiero



Sorry but Redhopper is no longer maintained :( Feel free to fork it and maintain it or look for an alternative ;)

Kanban boards for Redmine, inspired by Jira Agile (formerly known as Greenhopper), but following its own path.

Licence AGPL.

By infoPiiaf SARL



RedJenkins is a plugin for Redmine that enhances Redmines capabilities by allowing test cases run by Jenkins to be included and assigned to issues.

By Peter Schüllermann

