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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1164)

Redmin RubyCAS

A Plugin for Redmine 2 that utilizes the RubyCAS Client for CAS authentication.

By Brandon Aaron


Redmine 4 Cryptostocks

This plugin retrieves the ticker information of a security listed on

By A Eckert


Redmine Account Lockable

Redmine plugin for locking of account at failed login.


Set the count of allow failed logins in the setting of Redmine administrator.


By Minoru Maeda


Redmine Account Policy

Security Enhancements for User accounts
  • Password Complexity
  • Password Expiry
  • Password Reuse
  • Invalid Login Attempts
  • Unused/Dormant Accounts

By @ go2null


Redmine ActiveRecord Session Store plugin

This plugin teaches Redmine to use ActiveRecord as session store.

By Nils Caspar


Redmine Add Absolute Time

This is a plugin that adds an absolute time notation to the relative time notation.

(Hint: Due to the word order, it may not be displayed as expected except in Japanese)

By Ken Kubomi


Redmine Add to Calendar

Redmine plugin for adding issue to Calendar as event.


By Katsuya HIDAKA


Redmine Admin Access plugin

Redmine plugin used to grant access to redmine administration features for specific users.

By Y Z


Redmine AdminLTE

This is not a plugin in the strict sense, nor is it the standard theme of redmine. It is something between both. It is not necessarily appropriate to register here. Just put it here temporarily.

In short, this is the integration of redmine and admin...

By Tigergm Wu


Redmine AdvancedImage

This plugin provides a macro to display images with subtitles and anotation capabilites and a macro to reference an image from within a wiki page. Also included are macros to display tables with headers and formulas with labels as well as capabilities ...

By Five Above Infinity

