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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1164)

Redmine Due Date By Default

Plugin automatically sets due date of the issue based on the due date field of the target version

By Max Prokopiev


redmine duplicates of duplicate issues

Redmine lets you specify an issue as a duplicate of another issue using relations.
direct duplicate issues are two issues with a duplicate relation between them (Is\Has duplicate).
you can see direct duplicate issues in the project issues page by loo...

By eli e


Redmine Dynamic File Link

This is a plugin for Redmine. Redmine support file tab and URL of each file for the project. Uploaded attached files are stored in <Redmine install dir>/files directory subdirectories named after the year the file has been uploaded. Multiple files can ...

By Jong-Ha Ahn


Redmine Easy Tracker Assignation

This plugin aims to facilitate the assignation of Issues to appropriate members of project.
To do so, it provides the possibility to auto-assign specific Trackers to specific Members.
When creating a new issue, on change of the Tracker field, the Ass...

By BlueXML Company


Redmine Edit Issue Author

This plugin let users with Edit author permission edit issue author within a project. That's it.

By Rafael Gutkowski


redmine edit issue author

This is a modification of Change issue author by Frederik Jung. I have to modify it due to 2 reasons
1. Make it not depend on gem render_parent (this gem does not work for me)
2. By the way, I make it possible to change author in bulk edit mode. Plea...

By Quan VN


Redmine Email Attachments

A Redmine plugin to add issue attachments as email attachments on notification emails.


By Jon Goldberg


Redmine Email Images

The plugin address this issue:

Email clients are not logged in and can't load images in email notifications from redmine. You can either allow downloading attachments for anonymous users or include images as attac...

By Dima Kalachov


Redmine Email Reminder

Redmine PyReminder

A Redmine email reminder written in python.


Originally, I used the Advanced Reminder plugin
( which worked very well.
Colleagues began requesting features of t...

By Clay Walker


Redmine Embedded

Based on the plugin by Jean-Philippe Lang.

Upload and embed Doxygen or Javadoc documentation in a project.

By Reuben Mallaby

