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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1155)

Redmine UXTA Plugin

UI enhancements for Redmine that are needed to be done programmatically (javascript etc.)

Requires redmine version >= 3.0.3

By ozgur yazilimas


Redmine Viafirma Authentication Plugin

Redmine Viafirma Authentication Plugin provides an authentication method for Redmine users based on the Viafirma platform. For more information about Viafirma go to

By Ildefonso Montero Pérez


Redmine View Issue Description

Redmine plugin: view issue description

This plugin adds the possibility to limit the visibility of issue descriptions, based on role permissions and selected trackers.
The main goal is to limit the visibility for external users (e.g...

By Jan Catrysse


Redmine Vote

This is redmine vote plugin. Its style is similar to stackoverflow. You can vote for each message with a positive or negative point. When you install this plugin votes table is created internally. This plugin shows the sum of points the message using i...

By Jong-Ha Ahn


Redmine VPN

Redmine VPN plugin is for Web UI OpenSSL certificates accounting and administrating in combining with OpenVPN and Iptables. Plugin also allows to auto-renew the certificates and custom issuing/re-issuing and revoking/deleting.

Main functions:

By Soft Story


Redmine Warranty / Гарантии

Плагин Redmine "Гарантии" (Redmine Warranty) предназначен для учета в Redmine ERP гарантийного срока на реализуемые товары.
Redmine Warranty plugin allows to control sold goods' warranty.

  • Two types of warranty (by vendor and for clien...

By Soft Story


Redmine Watcher Groups

Plugin for Redmine that adds functionality to have Watcher Groups in addition to Watchers.

Adds new list in the showed Issue sidebar which lists added Watcher Groups and allows to add/remove groups to that list.

All notifications to involved in a...

By K. F.


Redmine Watermark


Add watermark to Redmine web page


  • Support current date
  • Support current user name
  • Support custom watermark text



By AiYuHang (Redminecn)


Redmine Web Forms

This plugin manages Redmine Web Forms as an alternative to creating new issues.

It creates a new entry in the admin menu to manage webforms.


  1. Forms have a title, and a description what it is for.
  2. Forms will eventually create an i...

By Frederico Camara


Redmine Wecom 企业微信消息通知及免登插件

1. 任务创建及变更发送企业微信消息通知
2. 移动端通过企业微信免登授权可实现点击消息后可直接查看任务内容
3. 扫码或移动端登录后自动绑定企业微信,绑定后用户可接收通知消息及免登
4. PC浏览器端支持扫码登录以及通过检测客户端授权一键登录
5. 支持是否启用企业微信登录模块


By AiYuHang (Redminecn)

