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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1155)

Resque Plugin

This plugin adds the Resque gem for managing background jobs in Redmine.

It creates a top-menu Redmine link that allows the administrator to see what happens in the job queue.

By Developer


Restrict Tracker

Restrict root and child trackers to a certain list.



Restricted members managament

Plugin for Redmine which gives additional restriction for roles with :manage_members permission

Now, you can select for each roles with that permission, which roles you are able to assign in Setting->Members site

For example, you can set:


By Dariusz Kowalski


Risk Management

Redmine risk management

Risk management is a plugin for Redmine (a project management web application), allowing to manage the risks for a given project

By Timóteo Bica



Manage the results of the qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk analysis, and risk response planning.

By eXolnet Inc


RM+ Devtools

Plugin for Redmine, allows to speed up development in Redmine, monitor performance problems, memory leaks, etc.

  • Get information of the requests, the rendering speed of views and spent time, without looking into log-files.
  • Analy...

By Team


Roadmaps Plugin

This plugin show you all roadmaps. If you set subproject, Roadmaps Plugin will display project and subproject roadmaps.

By Dai Fujihara


Role Members Batch Copy (or Move)

Copy or move in batch the members of a role to another role in all projects.



Role Replacement Plugin

This plugin enables replacement of roles in Redmine projects.

It adds the Role replacements section to the Roles and permissions tab of the Administration menu. By default, the Manage role replacement check box is enabled for managers only. ...

By Developer


Role Shift

The "Role Shift": plugin for Redmine transparently replaces role’s permissions with permissions of another role. Visually shifted role remains the same. This way the plugin makes it possible to config...

By Andriy Lesyuk

