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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1164)

request environment authentication

this plugin adds an optional authentication method to redmine to authenticate with a variable in the request environment (rails request.env, set by the server or proxy server). this variable can be custom named. one use case is login with single-sign o...

By intera jk


Require Wiki Comment

By default the comment is optional when creating or editing wiki pages. This plugin makes the comment mandatory, displaying an error message on saving if it is empty.

By A B


Resource Dashboard

Resource Dashboard Plugin for Easy Redmine gives you a complete visual overview of all your resources on the one-page dashboard.

Video tutorial:


BENEFITS of Resource Dashboard Plugin for...

By Petr Pospisil


Resource Management Plugin By Redmine X

Redmine Resource Management - A Complete Overview of Your Company Workload

A FREE version is in an online demo at & the downloadable version is at If...

By Ondrej Svejkovsky


Resource Planner

An early version of a resource planning plugin for Redmine 2.x.

Based on a scheme where requests are made for people, planning in workload per week and task. The requests have to be approved/denied by a team leader. The plugin supports different kin...

By Daniel Ritz



Resource allocation management for Redmine.

Redmine Resource plugin adds resource and capacity planner with time tracking, workload and availability reporting. It makes it easy tom add, edit and manage resource bookings using chart and a person...

By Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP)


Responsive Redmine tables

Plugin for transforming tables into responsive (small screen fit) design.

Plugin is designed to use with out-of-the-box Redmine themes having min-width: 900px;

Plugin works with A1 and Circle themes by RedmineUP as well


By Alexander Abramov


Resque Plugin

This plugin adds the Resque gem for managing background jobs in Redmine.

It creates a top-menu Redmine link that allows the administrator to see what happens in the job queue.

By Developer


Restrict Tracker

Restrict root and child trackers to a certain list.



Restricted members managament

Plugin for Redmine which gives additional restriction for roles with :manage_members permission

Now, you can select for each roles with that permission, which roles you are able to assign in Setting->Members site

For example, you can set:


By Dariusz Kowalski

