



Results (12109)

Defect #37589 (Closed): Email send notification
I install the package of redmine by bitnami , ... tion error)). Could i get some help on this issue , i'm a new on redmine . 2022-08-19 11:13
Defect #37585 (Closed): Do not show "History" tab for content in Filesystem repository
Although Filesystem repository (#1393) does n ... px; border: 1px solid grey;}.history-tab.png! 2022-08-19 03:16
Defect #37584 (New): Gantt PNG export fails (MiniMagick error)
Dear All, I encounter a problem while expo ... he "fix proposed by Jan": without success. We just up ... 13976de5d954] Started GET "/projects/qualite/issues/gantt.png?month=8&months=6&year=2022&zoom=2 ... gick_convert_command: /usr/local/bin/convert@ 2022-08-17 17:03
Defect #37581 (New): Wrong csv separator in Hungarian
Hungarian csv separator is semi-colon and dec ... ',' Can you please fix this? thank you 2022-08-16 11:00
Defect #37580 (Closed): Enable module for multiple projects
Hi there, I have installed a new module. H ... one bye one. Is there a easy way to do that? 2022-08-16 08:22
Defect #37578 (Closed): Upgrade 4.1.1 to 5.0.1 filters for issues do not work
When upgrading a redmine 4.1.1 to 5.0.1, the ... testing), except that when you click on the "Issues" tab for a project: <pre> 1. The checkb ... on "Options" has no effect. (Clicking "New issue" seems to work.) </pre> <pre> 4.1.1 sys ... t.text "comments", limit: 4294967295 </pre> 2022-08-16 00:01
Feature #37571 (New): Custom email sender per project
I need to set a custom email sender per proje ... roject specific mail from address > if @issue > new_mail = @issue.project.custom_field_values[0].value > ... someting like this could be add to redmine. 2022-08-12 12:06
Feature #37568 (Closed): It should be possibl ... n a subtask without affecting the parent task
When setting a due date on a subtask, the par ... 5, ruby 2.7, mariadb 10 (mysql) Thanks :) 2022-08-10 15:26
Defect #37566 (Closed): The number of the ord ... indentation does not match the unordered list
How to reproduce 1. create a project and i ... ore.png! *After* !{width:800px}after.png! 2022-08-10 11:33
Patch #37565 (Closed): Performance problem when filtering issues by custom-field value
Hello We noticed a significant impact on p ... in the latest versions, after the fix of the issue described in #37255. Some queries, which pr ... han 60 seconds ; specifically when filtering issues by custom value. Digging into the genera ... nces. So, here is a patch to address this issue. Thank you for reviewing it. <pre><code class="diff"> diff --git a/app/models/issue_custom_field.rb b/app/models/issue_custom_field.rb index 285a0d48c..57e2cc8a7 100644 --- a/app/models/issue_custom_field.rb +++ b/app/models/issue_custom_field.rb @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class IssueCustomField < CustomField " OR #{Issue.table_name}.project_id IN (SELECT project_id ... ondition}) AND (#{project_condition}) AND (#{Issue.visible_condition(user)}))" + "((#{sql}) ... ondition}) AND (#{project_condition}) AND (#{... 2022-08-09 15:29
Defect #37562 (Closed): POST Requests to repo ... l with "Can't verify CSRF token authenticity"
The issue has been reported as #33029#note-6 and #3302 ... ontroller::InvalidAuthenticityToken): </pre> 2022-08-09 08:16
Patch #37558 (Closed): Update webdrivers to 5.0
Upgrade webdrivers, etc. To enable system tes ... without a browser (Docker environment, etc.). 2022-08-07 01:09
Defect #37553 (New): query as_params error
Hello, In my page if we click on "Issues assigned to me" we're redirect to issue page with the query, but it's not the same. ... To have the same result between my/page and issue's page. You need to change : <pre> params[ ... ject{ |v| v.empty? }.empty? </pre> Thanks 2022-08-04 16:20
Defect #37552 (New): Accessibility, overview project/issue ; issues view, filters/options: not usable by keyboard, expanded-status missing
Overview-page of a project or view-page of an issue: Sometimes there is an actions-button callin ... uration" in the menu, in the view mode of an issue there are the actions "copy link" and "delet ... . Both defects are also applicable on the issues view, expandable elements "filters" and "op ... ic sector we need to use accessible software. 2022-08-04 15:19
Defect #37550 (New): Accessibility, formatting buttons: focus order / accessibility label
Editing of issues, forum messages: The focus order (using tab ... label="Strong" where you have title="Strong". 2022-08-04 11:13
Patch #37549 (Closed): How to properly apply a Patch to a Redmine installed through Docker
Hello, I have a docker-compose file used t ... e but haven't found anything related to this issue. Right now my only option seems to be buil ... issing something simple ? Thanks. Regards 2022-08-04 10:19
Feature #37542 (New): Negative filters for issue id and parent id for custom queries
There should be also "is not" operator available for "Issue" and "Parent task" filter. That would be very useful to see all issues but these under specific parent(s). 2022-08-03 09:39
Defect #37540 (New): If issue assigned to is a group, email will not send normally.
I had set a group that has some users. Now, to create a issue and assign this issue to the group, set due day as yesterday, exe ... 7910b7b158 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4218>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b79100 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4241>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b783e0 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4242>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b77490 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4243>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b763b0 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4244>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b75410 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4245>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b745b0 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue/4246>>, #<GlobalID:0x0000557910b73700 @uri=#<URI::GID gid://redmine-app/Issue... 2022-08-03 04:49
Defect #37539 (Closed): Issue index filtering with custom field became unusable with Redmine 4.2.7
When running an issue query with a custom field used on filtering, ... 0f3d231de4dff9450 or even only reverting the issue_custom_field.rb change (removing issue visibility condition) makes the performance ... ustom field 105 in this example is a boolean issue custom field, but this issue does not seem to be related to the type of t ... different versions of Postgresql Ruby etc. 2022-08-02 23:45
Feature #37532 (Closed): Add CSS class for relation type to related issues list
There is a function @css_classes_for@ in @IssueRelation@ but only used when displaying relat ... s useful to add classes in relations list in issue details. 2022-07-31 11:17
Defect #37531 (Closed): after RM upgrade: Act ... ss: ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
After migration from 4.1.5 to 4.2.7 everythin ... 1 #5377] FATAL -- : 21: 22: <% if @issue.safe_attribute? 'assigned_to_id' %> 23: ... signed_to_id, principals_options_for_select(@issue.assignable_users, @issue.assigned_to), 25: :include_blank => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('assigned_to_id') %> 26: <% if @issue.assignable_users.include?(User.current) %> ... <a class="assign-to-me-link<%= ' hidden' if @issue.assigned_to_id == %>" href=" ... as done along with Ruby2.6 to Ruby2.7 switch. 2022-07-30 17:57
Feature #37530 (Closed): Add timeout for thumbnail generation process
When @Redmine::Thumbnail.generate@ generates ... Because there were multiple accesses to the issue with the PDF attached, all processes of Redm ... to prevent similar problems from occurring. 2022-07-29 11:28
Patch #37528 (Closed): Don't load changesets when IssuesController#show processes API requests without "include=changesets"
Currently, changesets are always being loaded in IssuesController when API requests for IssuesController#show are made. However, loading C ... d patch can improve the performance of "GET /issues/:id.(json|xml)" by loading changesets only when they are necessary. 2022-07-29 03:20
Defect #37517 (Closed): User disclosure vulnerability via "Forgot password" functionality
The redmine application reveals the existing ... xists, is pending approval or is incorrect. 2022-07-28 10:12
Defect #37499 (Closed): Default query should ... query is not allowed to be set as the default
There are conditions on the queries that can ... h the following steps. 1. Create a public issue query 2. Set the query as the project defau ... y" 4. Login with another user and open the "Issues" tab of the project. The user will get an e ... as the default is the current default query. 2022-07-27 08:27