



Results (12110)

Feature #2182 (Closed): Weighted version completion percentage
Showing percentage of issue completion is a handy feature, but it would ... mated times on Version Foo of a project: |_.Issue|_.Estimated|_.Status|_.Percent Done|_.Time S ... the current methodology would consider each issue equally. So a 32 hour issue that's 50% done has equal value to a 0.5 hour issue that's 50% done. So in our case, we get # 0 ... patible option would be to split a version's issues into estimated and non-estimated. In the ab ... would be 3/5 estimated and 2/5 non-estimated issues. The non-estimated issues would be given the same weight all issues are currently given. In this case, 20% (or one fifth). The estimated issues are weighted relative to each other. There ... # We have a total of 23 estimated hours for issues that were estimated. ## Weighted 16/23 ## ... /23 ## Weighted 3/23 # 60% of the versions ... 2008-11-13 21:09
Feature #2181 (New): Display more statistics about a user on the account page
I think it would be interesting to see some m ... . * Number of forum messages * Number of issue notes * Number of SCM changesets 2008-11-13 20:32
Feature #2180 (New): Lookup custom fields
-I need a custom field of type 'lookup', i.e. ... I would add a 'customer' lookup field to the issues in order to link an issue with a customer. Of course, customer plugin ... When I'm will fill this customer field in an issue, I can write the customer name, with autocom ... :), and Redmine stores de customer_id in the issue record and shows me the customer name in the issue form. I think this feature opens a lot of ... r Redmine be more 'smart' when we use plugins 2008-11-13 19:37
Feature #2179 (Closed): Alternate layout for one site
Just like Redmine permits Themes that modify ... he side instead, government banner, etc...) 2008-11-13 17:20
Defect #2177 (Closed): redMine 500 error
redMine 500 error Internal error An erro ... /500.html (500 Internal Server Error) </pre> 2008-11-13 13:04
Feature #2175 (Closed): Support removal of files from document with multiple files
After creating a document and adding a second ... election box there is no way to correct this issue by removing the file entry for that document. 2008-11-13 12:10
Patch #2173 (Needs feedback): Update the Git repository automatically
The Wiki suggests ( ... mine to read it so I didn't add this feature. 2008-11-13 09:03
Defect #2171 (Closed): Error when exporting an issue to PDF with commits
If you export a issue details that has commits, Redmine throws an ... n't been able to research it. h3. Example issue to export h3. Error details ( ... re> A ActionView::TemplateError occurred in issues#show: can't convert ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation into String In issues/show.rfpdf (erb):82:in `+' (e ... acer.rb:117:in `render' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:107:in `show' /usr/lib/r ... .rb:107:in `respond_to' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:104:in `show' /usr/lib/r ... : * IP address: hi ya ... ction"=>"show", "id"=>"1720", "controller"=>"issue... 2008-11-13 02:32
Defect #2167 (Closed): Extend Textile syntax via plugin
Document the features of the extended Textile syntax in the wiki (see #2166) 2008-11-12 10:24
Feature #2166 (Closed): Extend Textile syntax via plugin
In a plugin I'm currently working on I would ... h is how this feature is implemented in Trac. 2008-11-12 08:51
Defect #2165 (Closed): Issue activity not wrapping around revisions
A issue was introduced in r1963 where application.cs ... oth). This is a huge problem for some of our issues where we have 5 or more commits - the issue comments are pushed so far off the screen th ... css allows the history to wrap normally. !issue.png! 2008-11-12 04:17
Feature #2163 (Closed): Hudson Plugin
Hello, I have developed a small plugin (hea ... obably you could add this to your Repository? 2008-11-11 22:08
Feature #2161 (Closed): Time tracking code should respect weekends as "no work" days
I imagine this is a common requirement for a ... ich sets start and due dates on the basis of issue dependencies etc, treated weekend days by de ... time-tracking logic works at present): - Issues are never automatically scheduled for weeke ... ld mean that (amongst other things), when an issue is pushed back so that it spans a weekend, t ... default count weekend days towards time spent 2008-11-11 18:16
Defect #2154 (Closed): Issues list page,when user session has overtime,click "next page"
as Subject describes,you will find the proble ... e" links in this page hava the same problems. 2008-11-10 04:43
Feature #2152 (Closed): Use CSS classes for closed issues in search results
When displaying search results it would be helpful to see the issue state at a glance from the "icon". In the activity list closed issues have a CSS class "issue-closed" @dt.issue-closed {background-image:url(../images/ticke ... g);}@ - The search results make only use of "issue" CSS class missing visual indication of closed issues. 2008-11-09 20:22
Feature #2150 (New): Improved Trac migration ... acs site to migrated into single redmine site
Had the case of having to move and combine 4x ... ces visible so added a external_ref field to issues table. Could not use id as moving lots of ... ove. I have attached the altered rake task 2008-11-08 16:31
Defect #2149 (Closed): Git Adapter date parsing ignores timezone
Git adapter uses Time.parse() on the date str ... 0600 2008 </pre> This is causing a major issue with the repository to have incorrect times. 2008-11-08 14:53
Defect #2146 (New): Trac Importer: Attachments in Wiki will not converted correctly
If you have the following situation <pre>[att ... 10.jar":attachment:JaGoSIAPI-0.0.10.jar</pre> 2008-11-07 16:08
Patch #2144 (Closed): Patch for main-level repository
Here is a patch for High-level repository, ref to Issue #2120. Here how it works: If a changeset refers to an Issue that has not a linked repository, it looks f ... tory. If it has, changeset is linked to that Issue; If a project has no repository linked and ... pu click on revisin number linked to related Issue, it shows correctly changes made. Hope this helps, Andrea 2008-11-07 12:53
Feature #2141 (Closed): List SVN commits on issue page
Hi, I really like the simplicity of Redmine' ... lacking - list the commits that reference an issue on the issue page. 2008-11-07 10:16
Feature #2139 (Closed): Roadmap: use estimated time for calculating progress
The progress for an item (version) is not cal ... alculating the current progress of a project. 2008-11-06 11:09
Patch #2137 (Closed): blog plugin
I wrote this plugins as # I want a stream ... bility to add new stream Redmine is fun :) 2008-11-05 23:48
Defect #2134 (New): CVS does not handle aliases
When one adds a CVS alias as the SCM module, ... d in the repository." when trying to descend. 2008-11-05 12:03
Patch #2132 (Closed): Patch to prevent blocked issues from being closed
I noticed issue #1740 and decided to try to contribute by co ... a patch. My proposed solution is that if an issue is blocked by another issue, then the available statuses should only inc ... New, Assigned, Resolved, Feedback). If the issue is NOT blocked by another issue, then closed statuses (e.g. Closed, Rejected ... includes updates for unit tests and fixtures. 2008-11-04 21:58
Defect #2131 (Closed): Delimiter of numbers incorrect in german language
If you have setup up redmine with "german" as ... excel, when the data will be exported as cvs. 2008-11-04 14:43