Feature #2715
closed"Magic links" to notes
This was part of Feature #391, but the issue was closed.
e.g. #391.1 -> http://www.redmine.org/issues/show/391#note-1
The syntax implemented in Redmine for 1.4.0 is:
or the short version:
Related issues
Updated by threexk threexk about 15 years ago
I'm also interested in this feature. It would be handy to have a simple way to refer to a note on the current issue other than writing "see note 24" or making a full URL link.
Updated by Etienne Massip about 14 years ago
- File issue_note_link.patch added
threexk threexk wrote:
I'm also interested in this feature. It would be handy to have a simple way to refer to a note on the current issue other than writing "see note 24" or making a full URL link.
I agree this could be very useful.
Hope we could include this soon, here's a patch.
Updated by Etienne Massip about 14 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
- File deleted (
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
- File issue_note_link.patch issue_note_link.patch added
Updated by Martin Denizet (redmine.org team member) almost 14 years ago
I think it's a must have.
My users use #<note-id> to make references to notes which actually makes links to issues.
It creates a lot of confusion.
I agree with the syntax #2715-14, thank you Etienne for the patch!
Updated by Ling Li almost 14 years ago
I tested the patch from Etienne Massip on 1.1.2 and (with some manual fiddle to fix the failed patching) it works well. Thanks!
While we are at this, can we add yet another syntax to refer to notes within the same issue? I.e.,
- note:5 refers to note 5 of the same issue. I used ":" instead of "-" since the former is in the spirit of "commit:f30e13e43" and "source:some/file"
- #2715-14 (or maybe we should use #2715:14 for consistency) refers to note 14 of issue #2715.
What do you think?
Updated by Ling Li almost 14 years ago
- #:5 refers to note 5 of the same issue
- #2715:14 refers to note 5 of issue #2715.
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago
Updated by Ling Li almost 14 years ago
I see a period or an 'n' makes the parsing easier than a colon ':'. I like the period version (now we kinda get back to the initial suggestion in Description).
Updated by Colin Mollenhour over 13 years ago
Fyi, the patch applied cleanly (except for the unit tests) to my installation of 1.2.1 and works wonderfully. Thanks Etienne!
Updated by Dmitry Salashnik over 13 years ago
I also think period is better separator :)
Updated by Sergei Danilov over 13 years ago
It's easy way to link timelog comment with issue note
Updated by Daniel Ritz about 13 years ago
Etienne Massip wrote:
- #n5 refers to note 5 of the same issue
- #2715n14 refers to note 5 of issue #2715.
That's the format I like the most.
Updated by Stéphane Gourichon about 13 years ago
+1 whatever the syntax finally kept (letter, punctuation etc).
Why 'n' ? If a letter at all, since it's a link to a comment 'c' seems more natural than 'n', e.g. #2715c14 .
Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] about 13 years ago
Stéphane Gourichon wrote:
#2715c14 .
+1: behaves as bugzilla
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 1.4.0
Everyone is OK with #2715c14
Updated by Martin Hartung about 13 years ago
Lacking Ruby skills I did not check the patch itself, but am very much ok with the suggested synax.
The original example was #2715-14 and that's how it should be in my point of view.
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
Everyone is OK with
What about the use of a generic #<issue number>#<html anchor name>
which would allow to refer to any anchor in the page (like for references to wiki pages), including #note-<note number>
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
Actually, I don't really like #2715c14
much. I would prefer #2715-14
or even #2715:14
. But I agree that #2715#note-14
makes a lot of sense, it's just that it's less compact.
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
Actually, I don't really like
Agree, the c
is not readable; what would be great as it has been suggested is a syntax which is also usable to refer to a note in this issue, e.g. #-39
for this note.
(or #2715/note-14
, #2715:note-14
, etc.) has the merit that it is understood when reading it that it refers to a specific comment of a specific issue and not anything else related to the issue. That would make #note-14
the link to the in-issue note 14, which seems great too.
Updated by Simon Edwards about 13 years ago
Etienne Massip wrote:
, etc.) has the merit that it is understood when reading it that it refers to a specific comment of a specific issue and not anything else related to the issue. That would make#note-14
the link to the in-issue note 14, which seems great too.
I agree that this syntax does make the most sense, even though it's less compact. Having the links within the issue being #note-n
agrees with the current anchor format, so it's the most intuitive method. This approach gets my vote.
Updated by Gilles Cornu about 13 years ago
- support more than a unique separator pattern (:,-,.,c,n,-note,...).
- Personally, we deployed the patch with '-' syntax (e.g. #2715-41), and I find it quite nice, intuitive and convenient
- make the pattern(s) configurable/overridable in Redmine settings ?
- (okay, it's maybe overkill feature, but it has the advantage to stop this discussion ;-)
I don't think there is any drawback to support more than one possible syntax. Is there any?
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Fixed
Feature is added in r8877 and accepts the 2 syntaxes:
or the short version:
I don't think it's a good thing to make it configurable. This should be the same across all Redmine instances.