



Results (12108)

Defect #40555 (Closed): Watcher group checkbox on new issue form on validation error will be checked only submitted
On new issue form, checking a group as a watcher and caus ... e checked or not based on the user submitted. 2024-04-12 16:41
Defect #40551 (Closed): Unit tests fail with Mocha 2.2.0
After updating all gems, one of the unit test ... s="shell"> bundle exec rails test test/unit/issue_test.rb:704 Run options: --seed 43846 # Running: F Failure: IssueTest#test_assigning_attributes_should_assign_project_and_tracker_first [app/models/issue.rb:478]: unexpected invocation: subject=(Test) bin/rails test test/unit/issue_test.rb:704 Finished in 5.971339s, 0. ... ected invocation: subject=(Test) app/models/issue.rb:478:in `assign_attributes' app/models/issue.rb:482:in `attributes=' test/unit/issue_test.rb:714:in `block in test_assigning_attr ... assign_project_and_tracker_first' test/unit/issue_test.rb:713:in `test_assigning_attributes_should_assign_project_and_tracker_first' </code></pre> 2024-04-11 10:59
Patch #40538 (Reopened): Hi, can you help me with a Version Extended?
I would need to show in the roadmap, in addition to the version issues, also any linked children found in other ve ... attach the file with the class. Thank you. 2024-04-08 16:22
Defect #40528 (Confirmed): Hangs when requesting after code changes in development mode
When running the rails server in development ... tate are as follows: <pre> Started GET "/issues" for ::1 at 2024-04-05 10:59:49 +0900 </pr ... ugins: no plugin installed </pre> The issue was confirmed on the following operating sys ... Ubuntu 23.10 h2. Investigation * This issue also reproduces with Ruby 3.3.0. * The issue might have started occurring after the updat ... ar with the previous revision r22487. * The issue does not reproduce when starting Puma with a ... rring to the contents of the "Puma project's issue":, I conducted an investigation using th ... "this comment": 2024-04-05 09:35
Defect #40527 (Closed): Remove the Hyperlink issues number and add it to the descriptions and notes.
Remove the Hyperlink issues number and add it to the descriptions and notes. For your reference : #40425 2024-04-05 07:02
Defect #40516 (Closed): send mail rate limit management in redmine
Dear masters Currently, I'm using redmine 5. ... ue to send later ? Thanks for your support 2024-04-02 11:02
Defect #40515 (Closed): Displaying issue descriptions in the issues list ignores CommonMark table alignment
When configuring the "Text formatting" setting to "CommonMark Markdown", the rendered tables within issue descriptions default to a centered alignment ... the markup (left, center, or right). This issue does not occur when the "Text formatting" se ... carpet-based Markdown. *The markup of the issue description:* <pre> | name | value | |:-- ... bb | 22 | | ccc | 333 | </pre> *Issues list with description (Markdown):* !{width: 470px; border: 1px solid grey;}.issues-list-markdown.png! *Issues list with description (CommonMark):* !{width: 470px; border: 1px solid grey;}issues-list-commonmark.png! 2024-04-02 10:57
Defect #40490 (New): login page back_url always use http not https
I hava a Redmine 5.1.2.stable executed in con ... stem and get a "Site does not enforce HTTPS" issue. It says my login URL's back_url is http, n ... running in https URL. How can I solve this issue to be ... ogin? 2024-03-28 04:56
Feature #40489 (New): `copyTextToClipboard` t ... to see that you have copied to the clipboard
You can copy the URL of an issue by clicking `Copy Link`, but sometimes you t ... () } return false; } </code></pre> 2024-03-28 03:03
Feature #40450 (New): Add API-Request for fet ... s which has changed since a certain date/time
We want to synchronize the redmine issues with our internal system. For this purpose ... ature to fetch changed journal entries of an issue. Editing a journal entry doesn't change the updated_on field of the issue. Therefore, we would like to have a GET c ... t only supports updates, but no GET requests. 2024-03-25 15:12
Feature #40449 (Closed): Add updated_on and updated_by fields to Issues API journal response
We would like to synchronize the redmine issues with our internal system via API. For this purpose, we fetch the issues with: <pre> curl -H "X-Redmine-API-Key: secret" " ... the updated_on field. The file app/views/issues/show.api.rsb needs an extra line at line 61 ... .private_notes journal.private_notes ... 2024-03-25 14:52
Defect #40448 (New): Accessing relations during issue destruction
Hello, My goal is to propagate the deletion of an issue to change a custom field of the linked issue. So, I intercept the destruction of an issue. I am encountering a problem with my script. During the destruction of an issue, I am unable to access the issue’s relations. Is this a known and unsolvab ... oorly? Thank you in advance for your help. 2024-03-25 13:19
Feature #40425 (New): Custom fields » Tasks » ... » Format » List » Possible values text colour
Any ideas on how to highlight the font colors after submit a issue, I selected a point? use in list format. ... olor:orange}Testuser% %{color:blue}Testuser% 2024-03-19 12:43
Feature #40422 (New): Print name and email to request that was create through email
We have introduced an enhancement to our emai ... email sender's identity. To address this issue, we've added a novel parameter "insert_name_ ... t on the master branch in our git repository. 2024-03-18 13:28
Defect #40413 (Needs feedback): The issue list fiter "Watched by" only dereferences "watched by group" for "me" value
When using the @<< me >>@ value for the "Watched by" filter on the issue list, group memberships will be dereferenced and issues the user watches via groups will be show in the results (if the user has @view_issue_watchers@ permission, see #40412). Group ... an when the user selects herself In the list. 2024-03-15 22:20
Defect #40412 (Closed): Issue list filter "Watched by: me" only shows issues watched via group for projects with the view_issue_watchers permission
When using the "Watched by: me" filter on the issue list, the filtered list will show all issues the current user is directly watching. The filtered list will also show issues watched via a group membership, but only for issues in a project the user has the @view_issue_watchers@ permission. 2024-03-15 22:16
Feature #40411 (New): The watch button/link should show if the issue is watched by group
When a user watches an issue because of a group membership and the user does not have the `view_issue_watchers` permission, the user cannot see that she is watching the issue. Currently the button link shows: - "Watch" when the user is not watching the issue or watching via a group - "Unwatch" when the user is watching the issue It would be possible to show a third stat ... - "Watch" when the user is not watching the issue - "Watched by group" when the user is not watching the issue but is watching the issue via a group - "Unwatch" when the user is watching the issue The button/link would toggle between firs ... state when the user is not also watching the issue via a group, and between second and third state when the user is also watching via a group. 2024-03-15 22:12
Defect #40410 (Closed): Watcher groups on new issue form get dereferenced on validation error
When creating a new issue, selecting a group as a watcher and causing ... class="diff"> diff --git a/test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb index cce8ddc625..fb401c701d 100644 --- a/test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb +++ b/test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb @@ -4778,6 +4778,25 @@ class IssuesControllerTest < Redmine::ControllerTest ... input[name=?][value="8"][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]' end + def test ... => { + :project_id => 5, + :issue => { + :tracker_id => 1, + ... input[name=?][value="8"][checked=checked]', 'issue[watcher_user_ids][]', 0 + assert_select 'input[name=?][value="11"][checked=checked]', 'issue... 2024-03-15 22:04
Defect #40409 (Closed): rake aborted! during Redmine update
* During Redmine update: 5.1.1 --> 5.1.2 * G ... redmineup_tags 2.0.13 </pre> 2024-03-15 16:52
Defect #40403 (New): Subtasks of all levels are shown in the parent issue
This thing is better shown by an example. Given we have three issues: issue 1 which is a parent issue; issue 2, subtask of issue 1; and issue 3, subtask of issue 2. In this situation, when I go to issue 1, I expect to see only issue 2 as its subtask, but I see two subtasks, issues 2 and 3. If I go to issue 2, everything is correct: I see issue 1 as parent and issue 3 as subtask. It would be nice to separate direct subtasks from subtasks of other levels. 2024-03-14 21:51
Defect #40362 (Closed): Autocomplete double hash keep system test fails
In latest versions of Redmine (5.0.8 and 5.1.2) the system test 'test_inline_autocomplete_for_issues_with_double_hash_keep_syntax' fails for no '.tribute-container' section is found 2024-03-07 17:40
Defect #40360 (Closed): Can't migrate dockerized Redmine instance
1. Set up docker compose redmine instance usi ... er to new instances if migration is required. 2024-03-07 12:57
Defect #40356 (Closed): Periodic Tasks not working
As our plugins for Periodic Tasks are not working after restart the service. 2024-03-07 08:35
Defect #40355 (Closed): Due dates, The users should not change them.
How to achieve this, after inputting the due ... artment leader has the ability to update it. 2024-03-07 08:19
Defect #40348 (New): Parent Task field not available in Import issues screen
Hi, I'm having troubles when importing issues. I make an import of 5 tasks. Then, I assig ... here) !clipboard-202403051849-2kdqp.png! 2024-03-05 22:55